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No Roles

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Everything posted by No Roles

  1. it's just sad...nobody can ever step up to make ohtani even entertain the thought of remaining with the halos...
  2. ohtani has won so many games for the halos...stop !!! the angels are worse than the a's without him this year
  3. well that 40th hr of the year i witnessed in the opener against the m's...but the bullpen blew our season that night and all the momentum of that ohtani swing
  4. i may say things outside your statistical bubbles that some of you live in...but you would really need your head examined if you didn;t believe ohtani is the greatest angel ever by miles
  5. i've been a fan since 81 when i was born and we had season tickets forever...it's just harmful to witness this for nearly 42 years
  6. i'm civil i'm not here to pick arguments and troll...we all have our opinions on how we like to see the angels organization ran...
  7. so many things wrong with the halos...starting with never having any decent scouting !!!
  8. i believe the 2014 angels were the best in the league? and we know how well that went over
  9. bottom line this franchise would be better off as a whole if they traded trout in his prime...our ws team didn't have one hof er on offense
  10. i mentioned he was a class act...but get real if you can say trout has one meaningful hit on his resume
  11. i'm not gonna start arguing...i didn't say moniak should play over trout !!! I said trout is not anywhere the baseball player the media has built him up to be through the years...
  12. but i do like how trout treats fans and seems to be down to earth as a human
  13. we rushed trout back for this?? smh !!! sorry i've always felt trout is one of the most overrated players of all time !!! against popular opinion but i've never been a fan of his inability to hit decent pitching or with risp in the clutch...
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