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  1. of course they go down without a whimper in the 9th.
  2. can't wait to see what else mike has in store with his great coaching on the night....
  3. Mike making the right moves again! jfc that guy is terrible.
  4. Mike Making all the rights moves as usual. God that guy sucks.
  5. holy hail. how many f'n runs does pettit have to give up before this bum manager takes him out?!
  6. jesus he was getting smacked around last inning. they put two on the track. Nice job scosh go take a long walk off a short pier.
  7. maybe they should stop hanging breaking balls against urshella. smh
  8. of course sambas hits it hard right at lender for an easy dp. have been pretty unlucky all night with anything hit hard on the ground tonight.
  9. Every damn time trout watches the first pitch right down the middle. wtf?
  10. He is hanging some pitches now. Come on trout. Don't you f this up.
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