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Everything posted by EE_

  1. Punching someone in the balls must qualify as a "natural basketball act" right Stu Jackson and CFR Stern?
  2. "INTJs are one of the rarest of the sixteen personality types, and account for about 1–4% of the population" I guess not on Angelswin.
  3. Greenspan: "We can guarantee cash benefits as far out and whatever size you like. But we cannot guarantee their purchasing power." With $85B a month of newly created money being dumped into the economy I think we will soon see what Greenspan was talking about. Sure, not all the money created since 2008 (about $3T) has been put into circulation yet, but that is only a matter of time. The status of the dollar as the world's reserve currency is a big part of why the effects of that inflation has been so slow to show up. The merchant in Sri Lanka or the whore in Thailand who accept dollars are getting screwed just as much as anybody in America. She has no idea that she just got f*cked twice. When the world no longer supports the dollar as a reserve currency it won't have that buffer. China has been accumulating massive quantities of gold for 4 years in a row- about a 1000 tons per year. If they chose to offer a gold backed yuan it would hasten the transition. ​People have been indoctrinated with the Keynesian bullcrap that some inflation is necessary and even good. Between 1800 and 1900 there was more than 100% deflation. The value of the dollar more than doubled. $1 would buy slightly more than twice the goods in 1900 as it did in 1800. Nobody took half of the monetary base out of existence. The healthy deflation was due to huge increases in productivity during that century. So how did the purchasing power change in the 20th century? Despite continued increases in productivity the $1 in 1800 that bought $2.04 in goods by 1900 now only bought 8 cents of goods by 2008. Thanks Federal Reserve! Inflation has always been the most insidious of taxes. Double everyone's taxes and they will riot in the streets. Debase their currency and they'll blame the greedy farmer or gas station guy. It's not just a confiscation on earnings like income tax, it's a confiscation of existing wealth for people who have bank accounts and 401ks in addition to social security. The elite hold commodities, not cash. Hyperinflation is Bernanke's last play. Who the hell is going to keep funding our ever expanding debt when it is obvious that the FED must use inflation just to avoid default. Does anyone really believe that QE is "stimulus"? Paying one credit card with another. Would you buy a 10 year Treasury bond with damn near zero yield (1.84%) when the FED is actively debasing the currency? You can get an inflation adjusted bond (using the dubious CPI) that actually gives negative yield. Here, use my money for 10 years and then give me back less than what I started with. This shit is going down. If anyone thinks they can keep up this ponzi scheme for very much longer is naive.
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