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Posts posted by juansavage1

  1. Cathloic social justice, while undeniably a sexy term, doesn't sound progressive or marxist.

    Conspiracy theories against liberals are boring. I'm more interested in why people who only want peace keep getting assassinated.

    It was the original social justice. It's pretty middle of the road economically. The concept of subsidiarity is interesting as well. Basically, things should be done at the level closest to the people as possible, with the closest being the family.

  2. Well the dudes that would date her would have to be completely spineless.  


    Getting laid is important but a woman with an attitude like this should not be able to even find ANY guy to tolerate her.  The fact that she can is disappointing.


    C'mon dudes, have a little self respect.   Jack off or f*ck hookers, but don't let an uppity bitch like this push you around just so you can get a little tang.

    Most of these people grow out of it. I used to believe the same crap in college. 

  3. Have you guys ever wondered how there can be whole cities where the minority of people have a working head of household while, at the same time, millions of people with no skills (not a knock on them, just a fact) or knowledge of the language come here, work, and are able to live more or less a decent life? 

  4. To the subject at hand:


    -Free market thought use Adam Smith and a few famous economists as their source. A few use Ayn Rand. You can't understand them fully without being familiar with those works. Leftists like Foucault. Obama has mentioned him as an influence. 


    -A stupid philosophy can ruin an otherwise smart person. That may be what happened to the author of the article. What kind of relationship is going to last if each person is constantly checking to see who has an unjust amount of power or who's oppressing whom?

  5. This chick dates Mexicans either because of some weird white shame, she's trying to piss her father off or it makes her feel cool/progressive.

    Here's something interesting for you white guys. Mexican girls from Mexico love white dudes. They think they're more calm and nicer. Hispanics from Hispanic countries also tend to value lighter skin more than Americans do. If you notice the Mexican soap operas (and if you're straight, you should), almost everybody is white in a country where only a small percentage are. Mexican girls raised in the US don't like white guys as much. 

  6. Sorry for the double post. I'll stop saying "anyways" if it bugs people. That's the way I talk. 




    You should really go to the site "everyday feminism," where I got this from.  It has examples of everything I talk about. See if you can spot the themes (Hint: Power, power, power. Equality, equality, equality. oppression, oppression, oppression). 



  7. Wait.

    Argentinians hate America?

    Not Argentinians. Leftists all over the wotld have some level of antipathy towards America, including the ones who live here.

    Islamists hate America too.

    In both cases, America stands in their way.

    Really, dudes. If you can't say communists and Marxists (think of Bill Ayers and your buddy, the Chicano Studies major) hate America, you're the one with the problem.

  8. What I meant by number five is that it has to be easy virtue. For example, what's harder for Hollywood types: stay married, work in soup kitchens (I don't do this,so I'm not claiming I'm better), stick around to sign autographs, and give money away without attending a party OR drink ethical water, drive a Tesla, oppose a pipeline, wear plastic belts and shoes, call police "murderers"** and support gay marriage? What do you think gives them more pride in 2015?

    **while living in rich areas with low crime.

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