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Posts posted by Angels

  1. Wtf? Semantics aside, there is not one person on this planet who knew that Tanaka would get injured.

    He was seen as an injury risk, OK. But so were/are many other pitchers who ended up just fine. Being viewed as an injury risk doesn't mean you will have injury issues.

    Expressing concern is one thing, but nobody really knows.

  2. I don't think it's a part of Dipoto's job description to be telling Scioscia who to play. And I am sure that Scioscia would not let anyone boss him around when it comes to managerial decisions. No f'n way.

    I'm sure discussions are held. Dipoto and whoever else can all give their 2¢. But if Scioscia disagrees, whose voice carries the most weight and matters the most? The guy who writes the lineup card.

    This is a big reason I want Scioscia gone. He is not Dipoto's guy. A GM usually gets to pick his own manager - someone who sees things they way they do. Dipoto inherited a guy who is the opposite of him from all we've heard and know. Scioscia is more old school while Dipoto is a SABR-minded GM with new-school ideas and a modern view of the game.

  3. And you're kidding yourself if you believe Scioscia takes orders from anyone regarding things like that. His voice is the loudest because he ultimately writes that lineup card and decides who plays and who doesn't. He's the manager.

    Dipoto and whoever else can give their 2¢... But it's Scioscia's call.

  4. I'm sorry... but what are you even talking about? And how did this turn into a Mike Scioscia argument? I am genuinely confused.

    Ok. Do you even know why I want/wanted Scioscia gone? Or did you just assume it was because of what happened during this postseason? If so, you assumed wrong. Which already nullifies everything you said there.

    Again, I am not sure how you can take what I said about the Royals and turn this into some Scioscia debate. Apples to oranges, for one thing... And two, Scioscia's managing in this postseason was abysmal. However, that was not THE reason I wanted him gone. It made me want him gone even more... but I wanted to see him replaced for a while now. And the Angels finishing with the best record didn't change my mind.

  5. Unless the conversation is about whether or not the manager should be fired in which case it totally does...

    I wanted Scioscia gone for a while now. Having the best record in baseball didn't change my mind. I think Dipoto should be given the opportunity to select his own manager. Someone who sees things the way he does.

    And yeah, he made many terrible mistakes in the postseason. No question about it. And not for the first time. Playing Hamilton? Wilson? Those bunts? And so forth. Didn't make him look good.

  6. Weaver and Shoemaker pitched fine. The first two games were winnable. It would've been nice to have a little more luck and some better execution during the key moments. Didn't happen

    Wilson shouldn't have even been pitching. Rasmus was a way better option. Even Santiago

    The Angels were the superior team, 3 games notwithstanding

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