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Posts posted by Section517

  1. Ohhhh.  I like this game.


    What if Scioscia didn't call for the idiotic suicide squeeze with Willits at 3rd base and a lefthanded Aybar batting in Game 4 of the 2008 ALDS?


    What if Butcher could actually develop a minor league pitcher into a consistent MLB reliever?  (It's only been six years.  It's bound to happen at some point....or maybe not)


    What if the future batting champ (i.e. Howie) could stop being Pavlovian in continuously chasing the down and away slider on a 0-2 or 1-2 count?

  2. A good review, but the BGR reporter couldn't resist plugging the iPhone and the Apple ecosystem.  The Apple Fanboy couldn't be restrained.  


    The aluminum casing is a nice feature, but how many (or how few) people use their phone naked?  I notice most users have a case protecting their phones, whether it's a simple TPU to a behemoth multi hard casing shell.  


    HTC would be wise to have an unlocked bootloader so the phone can be rooted easier. 


    My guess is a lot of android fans will sit on the sidelines and wait for the SGS 4 to be released.  If this is the case, the HTC One (just like the EVO 4G LTE) will have soft demand on Craigslist, thus I'll be able to lowball a good price for a used.one.  

  3. How does a website make a phone run faster?


    I can confirm Sprint 4G reached inside the stadium.  Was at the Thursday night Angels/Doyers game and picked up LTE in and around the stadium.  I have a Note 2 and my buddy has a Galaxy S3.  Both phones averaged 2mb download, 1mb upload.  More than enough to load data heavy apps like MLB At Bat.  No missed phone calls or failed texts that gang bangers (i.e. Doyer fans) have to deal with at Chavez Latrine.

  4. In all seriousness, these sound like great upgrades for Doggie fans. Angel Stadium needs to add free WiFi throughout the stadium.


    I can't wait for free WiFi at the BIg A.  I have an app on my phone where I can disconnect phones attached to the same WiFi linked to my phone.  Angels baseball and kicking iSheep off their WiFi....makes for a very entertaining ballgame.   :D

  5. Retail value over 600, they subsidize the cost.  You break it and it will cost you 600 to replace.  It is an expensive device.


    Go on Craigslist.  The SGS 3 ranges between $250-350 depending on condition of phone and location of seller.  For the Southern California market, the LA area is by far the cheapest to make deals.  The IE (Breaking Bad-ville) is a close second.  Most OC sellers overprice their phones.  


    Still, even paying $250 is a lot for a mini computer that can be used as a phone.

  6. Here's my list of tech sites I peruse:

    Sprint 4G Rollouts - www.s4gru.com









    I also follow all these sites via Twitter, including Gizmodo, CNET, TalkAndroid)

  7. The other key hardware features was the screen display with a 441ppi, a bigger battery size, along with the ability to add up to 64gb external SD card.  The plastic casing is a plus IMO which reduces overall weight of the phone.  Besides most people buy a case for their phones these days.  


    mrwicked, I tend to agree with you about the gimmicky proprietary Samsung software (S Memo, S Voice, yadda yadda).  I'm not a fan of their software and Touchwiz theme.  But Samsung has made it extremely easy to root the phone so users can customize the software on their phone.  

  8. Chuck, I wish I saw this thread earlier.  When I had my EVO 4G LTE, I picked up a cheap battery pack on eBay.  The specs said it had a 2200mah capacity, and for $5 it was worth the gamble. I placed the order and two weeks later it came in from Hong Kong.  I've dealt enough times with the eBay sellers from Hong Kong.....always check the reviews.  Anyone over 99% satisfaction I will at least entertain giving them my business.  For the most part, these sellers overstate their specs.  The battery pack I bought may hold up to a 1500mah capacity which is good enough to top off my phone for the rest of the day.  I have only had to use it a handful of times whenever I went to the Rose Bowl for a UCLA home game.  Otherwise, the S III coupled with Android Jellybean OS are a good pair for battery efficiency.  I've had this phone for six months (which is the longest I have had any phone, if that's a testament to its greatness).  It's been rooted since Day 1, and currently running Chad's ROM 4.2.1 with his Anthrax kernel.  The phone sleeps so well when not in use, it's practically in a coma.  I lose maybe 2% of my battery charge when I put the phone down for the night.  


    I'm curious.  Have you tried GSam Battery Monitor?  Maybe you need to adjust some of your settings or you have an app with a lot of wakelocks not allowing your phone to sleep.


    My android days began with the HTC Hero followed by HTC EVO 4G, EVO 3D, Samsung Epic 4G Touch, EVO 4G LTE, and now the Samsung Galaxy S III.


    The S III is what the EVO 4G was two years ago.  It's a flat out BEAST.  

  9. If you're in the market for an android phone and your're deciding between the HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S4, the latter has two significant advantages:

    1.  Removable battery

    2.  External SD card slot with a capacity up to 64GB


    There's a third for people (like myself) who like to root their phones.  Samsung makes it so less arduous for rooting which will also lure more developers towards their phone than HTC's.  


    HTC certainly put android on the map with the EVO 4G.  They raised the standard for android phones.  But EVO 3Gs predecessors have not been close to matching its success.  


    It looks like it's becoming a two horse race in the smartphone market:  Samsung vs Apple.  


    With yesterday's S4 announcement, Samsung will continue to grab more of the android market, and the hardware specs blew the iPhone 5 out of the water.

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