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Posts posted by shortmann24

  1. like i've said: xbox one is not about hardcore games.

    its about controlling your living room.


    here's the first commercial, and it has nothing to do with video games at all.


    so Pretty much you should buy a ps4. That's all I got out from that video and or build a pc.
  2. Let me troll a little further if I may ... I think Puig is better than Trout at the moment ... but I would value Trout more than Puig .

    Puig has saved games numerous times with his unbelievable arm. He's also had more game winning hits in a short span than Trout has in his whole career.

    Trout sucked in 2011 out of the gate whereas Puig was a monster out of the gate.

    This is just a discussion forum so cool your jets.

    Well I guess if you are using that argument then Puig is better than lets say Ty Cobb. He struggled out of the gates too. I wondered how his career ended up like. 

  3. They didn't listen to their fans.  They caved to pressure so they wouldn't be left in the dust by the PS4.  If they listened to their fans, they would have known that the Kinect was a cute peripheral when it first came out but wasn't essential to their gaming experience.  They wouldn't have the made Kinect such a huge part of what XBox One is right now.  I've owned all generations of XBox's and PS's and I prefer the XBox interface in general but each system provides games I like.  I mostly play RPGs so I can get everything I am looking for on either system.  BioWare, my favorite developer, makes games for both the XBox and PS so it's not going to really matter which system I choose since their specs are basically the same.


    The question then becomes Why am I paying $100 for something I don't want and never intend to use?  I don't have $100 to waste.  If they are so committed to the kinect that they are basically saying "the kinect is the XBox one", then it's just not for me.  One day, there will be a kinect-less XBox One and when that happens, I might pick one up.

    I very much dislike the kinect because it ruined the greatest gaming company rare.
  4. So you don't trust MS because they listened to what their fans and everyone wanted?


    Honestly, it should come down to the games and what system you're more comfortable with. I owned the original xbox and xbox 360 and I'm a bigger fan of their games since I've been somewhat committed to them. I also love the 360 controller and the improvements on the xbox one controller looks awesome.


    I'm pretty sure we're all adults here, so using the excuse that you're getting the PS4 or the Xbox one because it's 100 dollars cheaper is rather disingenuous.

    True. Seems now a days people are loyal to a brand not what the product is. I miss the old Nintendo 64 days :P.
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