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Posts posted by WallyWorld

  1. Was there this past weekend and I agree Hanson doesn't look impressive so far, but I'm reserving judgment until games start for real.  I don't think he's really letting it go yet.


    re: Callaspo, I've read the reports too but to my eyes he didn't look any different than he normally does.  It's not like speed was ever part of his game anyway.  Just like Trout's weight, I think it's a total non-issue.

  2. No one knows what happened there. Probably mostly mental. We'll see how Rodney does this year to see if it's a fluke.


    If you say it's Butcher's fault then you should also be criticizing the Tigers pitching coach.


    yeah, fair point.  I guess I'm suspect of Butcher's abilities, but admittedly I don't think fans can know much about how effective one coach is vs. another.

  3. Could always stick Trumbo out in the OF with Trout back in CF. Then use Bourjos as a defensive replacement for Trumbo later in the game.


    Which is what I would expect for NL games.


    yeah, good call.  didn't even think of that.  however, this all assumes that Pujols is ready to play 1B by then.  It's possible he'll be the pinch-hitter.

  4. 1-8-2, with consistently awful pitching.


    Granted, the pitchers from the projected 25-man roster haven't thrown much in games yet, but still . . . 3 straight years missing the playoffs, an awful start to last year, now a somewhat suspicious start to the spring . . .


    I know ST games don't mean anything, but you don't want to see the team get used to losing, no matter what the situation is.  At the very least, our minor league depth appears as bad or worse than feared, and there has to be some slight concern over what the next few years could look like. 

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