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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Happy Birthday Mark! I hope you GOT beer all day long today!
  2. You guys all know how I'm a big Microsoft guy. Well, it's time for me to ramp up on my Linux skills because I'm moving the forum (AGAIN) to another server. Right now I'm on a shared environment with tons of ram, space and allegedly unlimited bandwidth. Well, the guys at Godaddy say that the 'ULTIMATE' package which I purchased (the best in their packages to choose from) is in a shared server environment so if a server or more have a busy day/night and suck all the network bandwidth, this forum, this website will come to crawl and like two nights ago (late at night) come to a complete stop. Be that as it may, I ponied up the $$$ and purchased a virtual dedicated Linux server (CentOS 6) with thousands of terrabytes of bandwidth monthly, tons of disk space and a boat load of ram. So instead of the $99.99 for the year, it's $39.99 a month for this dedicated server -- but IMO, worth it since I won't be sharing any network load with anyone else. Any Linux guys out there? May have to pick your brain on a few things. The server move and DNS switch over will be sometime next time, but you won't even know it happened as I will test things out on the new serve before we flip the switch. While this forum has been fast for me from the get-go, those of you who have moaned about it running slow for you sometimes should see an increase in performance on this forum in the near future. Going from Windows to Linux alone will speed things up, and as mentioned, being on our own network/server. Just thought I'd share this news with you all.
  3. I missed it as well. They squeezed it in between a late afternoon ST game and something else apparently.
  4. One hour and a half to get your tickets!! Doors slam shut after that guys and gals.
  5. Taiwanese guy in the stands with a red Angels t-shirt!!!
  6. During my trip to Taiwan two summers ago, my wife represented AngelsWin.com well ...
  7. Wife is ticked off they keep saying "Chinese" Taipei. Should be Taiwan, Taipei. Most Taiwanese don't like to be associated with the Chinese just as cultural lesson for you out there.
  8. When I was in Taiwan I visited their baseball academy in Taitung. Took this pic of a huge statue just around the area.
  9. My wife "that was a bad call, but I'll take it." Sounds like me now.
  10. I need my baseball fix and my wife is from Taipei, Taiwan so I'll be pulling for them over the Aussies.
  11. BTW, tonight at midnight is the deadline for getting your tickets in. $40 -- Send Payment through PayPal at: angelswinevents@gmail.com
  12. Tim Salmon will be at our @AngelsWin Spring Fanfest Event Dinner on March 16th #Angels Fans! Do you have an event ticket yet?

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