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Posts posted by hk47

  1. My wrong prediction:


    Walt takes out Nazis (with help?)

    Jesse kills Todd

    Walt and Jesse have face to face, Jesse points gun at Walt, but lets him leave (something along those lines)

    Walt takes ricin

    Walt gets arrested/turns himself in and confesses to everything

    Walt dies


    Not sure about Lydia or Grey Matter (maybe just thrown in to bring Heisenberg back?)


    Well got that first half right  -_-

  2. My wrong prediction:


    Walt takes out Nazis (with help?)

    Jesse kills Todd

    Walt and Jesse have face to face, Jesse points gun at Walt, but lets him leave (something along those lines)

    Walt takes ricin

    Walt gets arrested/turns himself in and confesses to everything
    Walt dies


    Not sure about Lydia or Grey Matter (maybe just thrown in to bring Heisenberg back?)

  3. You bring up an interesting point because many think in one of these final two episodes that they will touch on Grey Matter to wrap up how he became who he is. While that is inferred, when Walt became Heisenberg and started bringing it home and spilled the beans on the career he had pretty much controlled her all show or she has been sort of a victim torn between Walt, kids, family, etc.

    I don't think she wore the pants as much as Walt is a bitch. The whole show, as Vince Gilligan says he wrote it, was to see what happens when Mr. Chips turns into Scarface. So he is supposed to be a bitch and continually progress into a monster.


    Yeah, after I typed that, that's more-so what I thought it was.  Thinking back, Walt being a bitch made it seem like she was calling the shots, but that was just how he was.

  4. There were 4-5 season enders in an episode, just brilliant. Same with having Hank and Walt square off right away.

    I actually don't like the Skyler backlash and the more you think about the show and read she has always been the same emotionally battered wife. It's like people want Walt to run amuck without affecting others or that in him doing so they are assholes.

    Just watched it again and aside from the writing, I love this show for the little things which seems to happen every episode. When they show the firefighters playing chess one guy moves the king to avoid a checkmate situation....just brilliant.

    Plenty of new theories and ideas are being thrown around.


    I disagree with that.  She was the one wearing the pants in the relationship before she became suspicious about his secret life.

  5. Uhh, I travel to Redlands almost EVERY weekend to see my girlfriend.   The weather there is even hotter than those other cities during the summer (avg summer high = mid-90s), and for the past two weeks has been almost as humid (50-60%).

    The one good benefit is that at least the mosquitos aren't going crazy in Redlands. 


    Except Chicago is like 95 with 95% humidity.

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