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Frieri Meatball

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Posts posted by Frieri Meatball

  1. Didnt Lackey get into it with the A's? Forgot what year that was. I will never forget that brawl vs the Indians when they made that huge comeback against Percival. I was ticked they blew the game but was lmao at Rex Hudler getting all emotional at the end.

  2. It's criminal that they're debating which .900+ OPS guy to send down with a 42 year old that plays shit defense hitting .153 on the roster. I know the Ibanez posts are getting pretty broken-record at this point, but holy hell.

    I bet this wouldnt even be a topic if a situation like this happened with the A's. They would do the right thing and dump Ibanez. The fact that one of these two will be sent down by the Angels to keep Ibanez is ridiculous!

  3. The one that irks me is the bunting in a no hitter. If my team is behind I reserve the right to do any and everything to try to score runs. Bunting to a self righteous, piss poor fielding pitcher like Verlander is a good play in any situation.

    After Carlos Guillen pimped his home run in that game the way he did Verlander had it coming. F the Tigers this game made me hate that bunch of whiners even more.

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