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Everything posted by javadave_

  1. Dear directors, it's called a steady cam. Use it! Some of us don't want motion sickness from watching your movies. #manofsteel

  2. One year since Sandy Hook & NOTHING has been done to prevent it from happening again. #shameful #depressing #rememberthechildren

  3. Trying to decide if chopping down & cutting up juniper tree should count as my doing weights today. Arms are feeling pretty fatigued.

  4. RT @ActuallyNPH: Today I taught the twins how to open umbrellas inside, walk under ladders, and break mirrors. I figured this is as good a …

  5. just finished a Runtastic walking of 4.66 km in 43m 00s with #Runtastic Windows Phone app: https://t.co/wqd3i3Okxu

  6. RT @cwyers: Doom is 20 years old today. I, uh, no, I don't feel old all of a sudden, why do you ask.

  7. Photoset: Happy birthday Haley! http://t.co/mvy5IezpLQ

  8. RIP Roger Ebert

  9. Bummer for Darvish. While I dislike the Rangers, still have to root for a guy getting that close to a perfecto. He handled it with class too

  10. Grizzly needs a booster shot (@ Prestige Animal Hospital) [pic]: http://t.co/tfKJtFcJ0D

  11. Is it just me, or are 3rd party apps like Instagram & GetGlue taking a long time to post to Twitter?

  12. I just unlocked the "Gym Rat" badge on @foursquare for 10 gym trips in 30 days! http://t.co/AglNuqAnug

  13. The dog walk continues.... @ Cell Tower Hill http://t.co/80533wqXdk

  14. Workout time (at Fitness 19) — http://t.co/2g31xmI2ik

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