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Everything posted by javadave_

  1. We have due process in this country. There will have to be an extradition hearing. You will have to present evidence https://t.co/o3sQTLDOiV

  2. @vanessaqt @fadeastride @xochi44 https://t.co/XmNZ5drIbE Scroll down a bit. The 4th definition is the appropriate one I believe.

  3. RT @TheBloggess: Be safe. Be careful. Be kind. Be good. To others and to yourself.

  4. Even without injuries they would have been hugging .500, probably from below. https://t.co/Tipfv3cfIU

  5. @SamMillerBP Yes!

  6. All Star Week seems longer every year. I know it's only 3 days of no real games, but feels like forever.

  7. @techweenie No, Jesus wrote the 2nd Amendment. And all those parts where slaves count as 3/5 of a person.

  8. just finished a Runtastic elliptical training of 2.5 mi in 29m 59s with the #Runtastic PRO app: https://t.co/xJqo5uFYg4

  9. Picking up dinner (@ Waba Grill Teriyaki House in Fontana, CA) https://t.co/0dSiHEI0MT

  10. More "liberal" than the New Deal or the Great Society? Doubt it. https://t.co/ndHk3vN43n

  11. @Jenthulhu yay! Audiobook acquired. Listening shall commence shortly.

  12. #fbp https://t.co/cDKv7DIyNt

  13. RT @PhilPappadakes: To combat misinformation: the protest was peaceful & mostly over at time of attack. The police were supporting our righ…

  14. This is f**ked up and needs to stop. I understand police need to protect themselves, but this can't go on. https://t.co/FcLFkfcS7I

  15. RT @Lessien: Unjustified. #murder https://t.co/xUnD045d69

  16. No traffic this morning (@ California State University Office Of The Chancellor in Long Beach, CA) https://t.co/psEUe9MIXc

  17. RT @Berti_and_Ernie: New drug could help with canine anxiety - https://t.co/kkFscDrgIX

  18. @SimpleGame it's good that someone in the #Angels hits that way in Boston.

  19. RT @goodreads: Only a fellow book lover would understand. (via @someecards) https://t.co/3XBV9Pht9s

  20. Hmmm... Who knew Mongolia had elections, or an opposition party? https://t.co/4zYmFE0moH

  21. @stutteringjohnm @mjkrey "Admitted to" has the wrong connotation because she didn't do anything wrong. Should be "stated that" or similar.

  22. RT @joe_sheehan: The All-Star Game should just be 2 1/2 hours of people hitting balls in the general direction of Andelton Simmons.

  23. @ItzDreezy Ewww. Sunday afternoon at a Walmart is not fun at all.

  24. @caangels61 @cwp1963 They need to get something going before Trout leaves.

  25. Seems like the #Brexit should have required a supermajority to pass (2/3 or at least 60%). You're talking about breaking a treaty.

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