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Everything posted by pitnat

  1. RT @kylegriffin1: Axios has reviewed a Grand Jury subpoena Mueller's team sent to a witness. Mueller is apparently subpoenaing all comms…

  2. Having awesome neighbors is great.

  3. https://t.co/Lngm2yTi8k

  4. https://t.co/TlSorUHk4V

  5. RT @rebeccagberg: Now here is a guy who loves his job! https://t.co/8bch8F4ftC

  6. RT @Fahrenthold: Panamanian police have returned to @realdonaldtrump’s hotel, this time in tactical gear, reports @partlowj. Not sure what’…

  7. “All men are created equal “ unless they are an immigrant. https://t.co/UX7A2tq5kY

  8. RT @RobertMaguire_: "We believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America’s schools. Peri…

  9. RT @brianklaas: The president’s chief adviser, a general, has allowed the president’s unqualified daughter (who lacks permanent security cl…

  10. RT @ByRosenberg: Not an emergency for the Washington Legislature: *Comply w/ court order to fund schools *Comply w/ court order to help men…

  11. @chrislhayes No because “lock her up”

  12. @zekewatch317 @beagewill @mkhammer I NEVER SAID IT WAS

  13. RT @DanWetzel: Jocelyne Lamoureux-Davidson’s golden goal is as beautiful as there’s ever been

  14. RT @AndrewLSeidel: The Bill of Rights doesn't mention "our Creator." You're thinking of the Declaration of Independence, which severed col…

  15. The president of the United States.

  16. RT @yashar: Agents in the FBI field office in Miami have nothing to do with the counterintelligence agents at the FBI focused on the Russia…

  17. RT @PreetBharara: Does the President stand with America or with Russia? Simple question.

  18. RT @benjaminwittes: BOOM!!! https://t.co/QK0IPoWPdL https://t.co/FqJXxAJcan

  19. @jaketapper the issue of guns and mental illness will fade to the background unless the media helps keep the pressure on our politicians.

  20. RT @sahluwal: While you’re offering your thoughts & prayers for the senseless gun violence at Parkland High School today in Florida use you…

  21. RT @TLCplMax: Marine Corps: why are suicide rates so high? Also Marine Corps: you have to shit in a bucket for the next 12 days sorry by t…

  22. RT @mattyglesias: Weirdly, the NRA was *originally* founded by former officers of the Union Army who wanted to promote Yankee gun skills so…

  23. RT @AnaheimDucks: #AnaheimDucksGoooaaalll C-4 goes BOOOOOOOM! Cam Fowler taps home the bouncing biscuit in front and it's 2-0 - FOR REAL…

  24. RT @IntelCrab: Official statement from the @StateDept concerning recent events in #Israel. https://t.co/zyLNN6T0M4

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