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Pancake Bear

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Status Updates posted by Pancake Bear

  1. @MoBeel14 @JonHeyman Give the man a cigar.

  2. RT @arthurelms: @AnaheimDucks You, Me, and Depres! https://t.co/PzGe4xasMs

  3. @ACummings40 @seanfb94 Yep.They're totally less reliable than: "I watch the game and a Betts like totally get lots of clutch hits!"

  4. @MatthewBerryTMR It's okay: He benched Ben and played Cousins instead.

  5. @FS1 @MLBONFOX Thomas and Rose: Great players; fun to listen to; nonsensical analysis. Lesson: Playing good doesn't make you a good analyst.

  6. @bmags94 If he can get on base again, could get another steal tonight. Seems to have Peacock/Castro's number.

  7. @crosbysux @icemancometh @OnofrioRino it's not hard to understand why both sides are holding out.

  8. @bmags94 I should go to a game or two this weekend. They always manage to stay home when I do.

  9. @MattWalshBlog You have lost the right to comment on food. There is no better burger. Anywhere.

  10. @MattWalshBlog What happened to "Trump will attack Hillary on things others won't"?

  11. @Jonathan_Cohler @igorvolsky That is how it has always been.Changing is a terrible idea:Real time fact checking will invariably be fallible.

  12. @crousselle Fulton Reed is/was on Daredevil.

  13. @helenenothelen The bosses of the team are stuck in the past and blaming the future. Incredible.

  14. @continetti @McCormackJohn @FreeBeacon Its hard to take Trump's 'conservatism' seriously when he can't even seem to decide what he believes.

  15. @EWErickson If I lived in a swing state, I'd probably rethink it a bit. Being in CA, my vote is irrelevant. I won't be voting for Trump.

  16. @MattWalshBlog @GideonResnick She wouldn't know. When's the last time she had a real job?

  17. @JamesDKoh Good call.

  18. @drosennhl Obvious no goal, Ovi's self-righteous indignation notwithstanding.

  19. @bmags94 Can I like this a few more times? If they don't do whatever it takes to keep him, they deserve to lose every fan they have.

  20. @bmags94 How can a team with MVP-level Trout be that bad?

  21. @AChodzkoAngels @EKayAngels @STATS_MLB

  22. @AChodzkoAngels @EKayAngels @STATS_MLB

  23. @benshapiro Joke is on her.She seeks to use satire to draw attention to injustice.Reality:If the world was how libs see it,this would happen

  24. @benshapiro @therealbradg Hahahaha.....Yeah, no.

  25. @bmags94 Great pair of nights to be at the Big A.

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