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Everything posted by VanderTweets

  1. RT @ezraklein: My favorite moment of either convention so far. If you weren't moved by this, you're missing a part: https://t.co/Xu5lWu1eQz

  2. RT @fwdale: Reminder about '00: FL Gore "lost" by 537 votes Nader got 97,488 NH Gore lost by 7,211 votes Nader got 22,198 Would have won…

  3. @FreddyWanKenobi @Disneyland Or left it alone and built new rides somewhere else. I love the idea of a Tron ride though.

  4. Guys, I'm starting to think that Weaver doesn't have it today. #Angels

  5. "Star Trek Beyond" -- awesome. Two thumbs way up.

  6. @Lesdoggg I wanted to let you know that Ghostbusters was terrific and my wife, 2 boys, and I loved you in it. #loveforlesliejones

  7. RT @BecketAdams: I stand corrected. This @GettyImages photo is the most amazing thing to come out of Day 3 of the GOP convention. https://t…

  8. Pretty much the movie of my childhood. https://t.co/AEF35ogLbU

  9. A very worthwhile read. Spot on observation. https://t.co/BiGC4K9otQ

  10. RT @NoContextAds: Cutting a sandwich is basically impossible https://t.co/WCUlJB4wUX

  11. Nice weekend, boys! #Angels #LTBU https://t.co/FHg7y7dGnD

  12. HELL YES!!! ATTA BABY, COBBLER!!! #LTBU #Angels https://t.co/4g7d9B9RQV

  13. @markmcconville @Thesixler @MattGourley @tangobookmoney @shrimpsradio Me and Hairlip Tommy sippin' fruity froth at Nutman's Haunch

  14. RT @DanaBashCNN: Scoop: @realDonaldTrump was so unsure about @mike_pence that around midnight last night he asked top aides if he could get…

  15. So delighted by the @shrimpsradio Summer Masters. Mini golf is fun, but with my boogies @MattGourley and @markmcconville it's fantastic.

  16. RT @PFTompkins: Did I catch a Pokemon https://t.co/qQbKa7ACtl

  17. Did I just see Jamie Foxx sharing corn with people in the outfield? I want to make sure I'm not having a prescription side effect.

  18. Wait, Giavotella didn't get to start on his birthday? That's kind of a dick move, Sosh... #Angels

  19. @mikebdoss Somebody in WY found a dead body in a river because she was out hunting for real life Pokemon. Weird, weird times.

  20. Personally, I liked it when Napoli roasted the #Angels, and I like it when Trumbo does it too. Neither should have been traded.

  21. I'm so old I remember watching their dads play. https://t.co/YMDZUEuT9r

  22. RT @charles_gaba: Well, well, well...@WalshFreedom deleted it. Too bad for him there's this thing called a screenshot... https://t.co/J8G3B…

  23. Why is Salas warming?!? Did no one else make it to the Trop today? #Angels

  24. YES. https://t.co/Or3JWW63s8

  25. RT @AndyRichter: That's murder. #AltonSterling

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