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Everything posted by ClaireTSCDRO

  1. @Swisspastryman I bet he would be so proud to see how hard you've worked to grow what he worked so hard to build

  2. RT @TheAtlantic: A note on debate moderation via @russellberman https://t.co/vG0mCLa9w0 https://t.co/afj5x01Wv6

  3. RT @robinthede: When the Republican Party elects a nominee, they're not sending their best. They're criminals, they're rapists...

  4. @ShaunKing What does @EastCarolina mean when they say further peaceful protests will not be tolerated??? Are they looking for a lawsuit?

  5. @nytimes He "had" cancer or he "has" cancer? He "was" stepping down or he "is" stepping down? Fix your weird tense usage, I beg you.

  6. @bonappetit Hey, no kidding around, I made this cake a few months ago and it was THE BEST cake I've ever had. It was. It was. It really was.

  7. RT @LeftSentThis: Look, they don't like you anyway, so, protest unapologetically, devoid of qualifiers that attempt to dilute the seriousne…

  8. Just walked past the Scientology National Affairs building. Feeling mighty enturbulated. Lovely building though

  9. @Kaepernick7 This 45 year old Bob Hope quote re: protests is stenciled on the wall at the Library of Congress. https://t.co/p0mFNhBo8j

  10. @DavidArquette I saw Alexis at a SF club many years ago. SO breathtakingly vibrant & gorgeous. I was in awe. Much love and peace to you all

  11. RT @TonyOrtega94: #Scientology's secret sites: The Underground Bunker premieres drone footage never before seen of 'Int Base' https://t.co/…

  12. RT @Jessica_McCann3: Tonight's Commentating=Brutal https://t.co/n6IJh7Pcpk

  13. I'm making crab cakes but I forgot to buy breadcrumbs. What can I use instead? @jerryblevins: #AskJerry

  14. @EsperanzaDFW They are peonies!

  15. @THR It's "unfazed," not "unphased." Are you hiring editors?

  16. Hi @askNAIMIES, when will you be adding the @CoverFX Custom Enhancer Drops (highlighters and bronzers) to your website?

  17. @philbert53 And you're right, your steadfast refusal to accept Kinsler's talents and contributions means we have nothing to discuss.

  18. @philbert53 @TxBaseballTweet lol philbert, come on now https://t.co/4NVDFd0BGo

  19. @TheBBingDead @lonestarball I could say the same about Rangers fans who boo Kins because he hurt their fee fees after he got traded.

  20. @beckjason Interesting to read his comments about @Tigers fans understanding & appreciating how he plays. Many Rangers fans never got it.

  21. @cookiebarn6 These are perfect for #WorldElephantDay on Friday

  22. The best thing you'll read on @arod RT @longform: "The Education of Alex Rodriguez" https://t.co/QPs5TqCSvu @jrmoehringer @espn

  23. Are you okay, @bonappetit?

  24. RT @dog_rates: This is Albert. He just found out that bees are dying globally at an alarming rate. 10/10 heckin worried af now https://t.co…

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