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Posts posted by Rescue&Restore

  1. I think people have a tendency to ignore the intangibles if you become stat-obsessed. Huston is a fantastic clubhouse presence to have, and knowing you have a closer that is at the top of his game eases the mind of everyone in the clubhouse and boosts teams overall confidence and morale. It seems like all this angels team needed to push it from good to great was someone they could place full confidence in to shut down the game. It showed yesterday, even if they didn't use him, that having solid points in every aspect of your team is what counts to create a team that really believes it can win. All questions are answered, this team is set up for success, and now they can move forward and not look back.

  2. Give the kid a break. He's young, he's got great stuff, he has stretches of dominance (look at most of his starts and he usually only gives up runs in one or two innings) he knows how to become a great starter. I think he has a ton of upside and can become a SOLID three starter definitely. Mike trout is a once in a lifetime type of player, so we can't let his excellence raise our expectations of young players to unreasonable heights. He's giving us chances to win, and now with our bullpen we can minimize his workload and let him worry less about going 7 or 8 and just push him through 5 or 6. Less innings= less pressure = a more relaxed tyler Skaggs= a better tyler Skaggs.

  3. Unless the angels tank against the easy series the 10 games vs Oakland decide everything- if we go 6-4 against them we could still be very much behind them in the race. We would have to go 7-3 or even 8-2 to reay overtake them. But I believe we can do it.

    I literally become so happy when I think about our bullpen and lineup now. I could admittedly be more confident in our rotation, but that's simply because CJ hasn't produced as of late. Weaver Richards and shoemaker are solid, santiago looks much improved and hopefully CJ figures himself out.

    The future is bright, friends.

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