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Everything posted by h1ghway

  1. RT @chrislhayes: Rubio's stated foreign policy preferences and advisors were genuinely terrifying.

  2. RT @mikememoli: Every time Obama supporters would boo the very mention of Romney or Republicans at his rallies, his response was: "Don't bo…

  3. There's a laughingstock and it's you, Ted Cruz.

  4. Annnnnd Rubio's just not sure about climate change

  5. RT @flea333: the los angeles lakers are better at playing basketball than the golden state warriors it is a proven fact. read it and weep.

  6. Chilling thought: imagine a post-2016 Ted Cruz, emboldened by actually winning a few states in a presidential. Insufferable=understatement

  7. RT @RalstonReports: News flash that is not a news flash: Trump has no idea what he is talking about. Why? Because he watches TV and reads p…

  8. RT @Voices4Service: New Report: "Utilizing @NationalService as a 21st Century Workforce Strategy for Opportunity Youth" via @AmProg https:/…

  9. Mittens about to lecture us on honesty https://t.co/CEXeifyOos

  10. RT @PressSec: .@POTUS is going to #SXSW to talk civic engagement in a digital age w/ @texastribune CEO&editor-in-chief @evanasmith https://…

  11. RT @torotime: How A Mobile Carrier In Asia Is Beating Google At The Data Game https://t.co/iwdtowRnia Via @NPR

  12. RT @jkarsh: What’s fun about the Chris Christie endorsement is that it makes you forget about Trump’s David Duke endorsement just 24 hours …

  13. Is this real life

  14. RT @ThePlumLineGS: Friendly reminder: Supreme Court fight isn't actually about Constitution. It's about raw political power: https://t.co/6…

  15. RT @jkarsh: Yes, let’s all spend the day ignoring that it has been Congress refusing to defund Guantanamo & that’s why it stays open. #Fair…

  16. RT @craignewmark: “Nonprofit Guide to the 2016 Internet†@alexfield https://t.co/94aeJVks2Y

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