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    lurker reacted to Blarg in Mattingly, Dodgers part ways   
    People should watch all of the in game mistakes their favorite other team is making instead of the non stop tunnel vision.
    It is not as though I am unaware or immune to what the Angels fail at but often it is more execution rather than directions. Scioscia is always trying to squeeze that last 10% more out of the players. I think his biggest failure is not accepting that a few (last season many) of his players just don't have the talent but keeps pushing.
    He had rosters with multi talented players that could think on their feet and was sucessful. The last few years he has had Trout and the shell of Albert to work with.
    As exciting as Calhoun can be he can also be an over achiever type personality with a slightly below that ability level. Lots of over swings, plenty of over playing a ball in the air (although that improved this season) along with some less than inteligent base running but at least he can throw people out (looking at you Trout). But he is the end of the young player talent line Scioscia can turn to.
    Go down the roster and Gia (who I like) is a klutz in the field and can't hit when in the top half of the order. Aybar is a complete loose cannon but can at least bunt. Freese is a stiff and can't pull his hands out of the way on an inside pitch. There wasn't anyone in left field the entire season. Ianetta was worse than Mathis making Perez seem more valuable than his true talent level. The best the bench could offer was CJ Cron and even he was demoted to pull his head out of his ass. The rest of the bench was worthless.
    So in terms of real talent Scioscia had two players in Trout and streaky Pujols and that is what he had to wage war with. The rest were fringe with some skills on defense and offense like Calhoun, Aybar stabilizing SS on defense, Giavotella destabilizing defense up the middle but providing a clutch late inning hit now and then but the rest were pretty one dimensional or just plain replaceable.
    The Angels stayed in contention with that mess and an underwhelming pitching staff with no solid middle relief all the way to the final game. That was all Scioscia because the talent wasn't there at all.
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