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Status Updates posted by AlexDacome

  1. This is still a software problem apple has yet to fix. I gotta have a case on to not touch those things

  2. Balnton should be 5-5 not 1-9. He's had some quality starts that the offense couldn't support. smh

  3. Macklemore plays golf, mackleFOUR

  4. Bout to get my hair cut in a minute!

  5. “@Huntermoore: I'm a millionaire, and you work at mcdonalds @mm11renee†make me a Big Mac bitch

  6. And this is the ****ing WEATHER WHAT THE **** IS THIS http://t.co/4RsjQfTfzE

  7. It feel good to be home

  8. RT @CraigB_SimpnDoe: Robinson Cano? More like Robinson Canyes.

  9. RT @wavybone: I just ****ed whatshername and you aint een know it

  10. Ill tell all you what I told Bryn. If you're being an ain't-shit-bitch , you bout to attract an ain't-shit-nigga! This is science! 💡

  11. New intel core i5s and i7s released today. I'm bout to get one of these beasts! http://t.co/2FF3IcXiDe

  12. If you're a T-Mobile customer you can get a free full copy of MLB at bat

  13. “@****Aria: **** it, who's with the midday nudes? Send em my way†http://t.co/ChMEYl8FLI

  14. RT @HorryPuttor: voldemurt: "so all i hav tu do iz lie?"pinnocio: "ya. ets dat simpel."

  15. Aybar with his first moon shot of the season! 6-3 Astros

  16. have you ever smelled your wrist after wearing a watch all day when it's 90+ degrees? It's not pleasant… weird


  18. This dude is wearing a shirt that says "Armani jeans" bruh confuses cause that's a shirt

  19. If I hear this filipino commercial one more time I just might kill myself

  20. pussy RT @chybrianne: I followed hunter Moore for about an hour and couldn't handle it anymore

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