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Everything posted by javadave_

  1. I miss being able to carry her like this https://t.co/QGXs4o8HsP #pic https://t.co/fG7dHMgA33

  2. RT @GoJoeBruinUCLA: #NBAFinals: 3 former #UCLA Basketball players win rings with #GoldenState https://t.co/OUAfCSVQBd

  3. Surprise, surprise. Texas sees high rate of teen births despite abstinence-only sex ed | New York Post #link https://t.co/kvTV3bmL6f

  4. Ok. A little dry. Wine from F. Stephen Millier via @Vivino app: https://t.co/c5hC1bcOWo

  5. My uninformed opinion: because the older you get the louder that little voice in your head that maybe you won't eve… https://t.co/0YEM2yLdEN

  6. RT @TeaPainUSA: Sweet! If we are naive, the law doesn't apply to us. Leave it to the GOP to find the loophole! https://t.co/MS3L7LIbsV

  7. Exactly #link https://t.co/JMaLSi4ZGX

  8. Walking last night's overindulgence out of the system.

  9. Surly girl https://t.co/rMo0FvwkPE https://t.co/uWKlG2rubm

  10. Fantastic #link https://t.co/EJDfQPHTwT

  11. RT @waiterich: A majority in EVERY. SINGLE. U.S. STATE. supports staying in the #ParisAgreement. Majority. All 50 states. https://t.co…

  12. RT @GuyVerhofstadt: Trump puts his ego ahead of the future of our planet - sad! Let's double down on our efforts to make the #ParisAgreemen…

  13. RT @Jerem6401: One of the best fucking captions I've ever seen to a photo https://t.co/dDWCp1qfmq

  14. S'mores time https://t.co/rOqBvAcLRS https://t.co/GW1Q6OYjbm

  15. Hahaha https://t.co/MqRDrHqXga #link

  16. I'm at @KrispyKreme Doughnuts in Ontario, CA https://t.co/IwdP1DIGzU

  17. Seems like it should be called a not-so-Christian school https://t.co/nviZSsMIRn

  18. @ItzDreezy I just don't trust myself with something so expensive and so small. I have a bad track record.

  19. We had such nice, cool weather earlier this week. This is just miserable. #pic https://t.co/etTKcsx7OT

  20. I entered a giveaway for a chance to win "GGMM E5 Wireless Smart Speaker with Amazon Alexa, W..." by GGMM. https://t.co/IOmIZ77Rwf #giveaway

  21. F-in #Angels. Bases loaded and no outs and can't score a freaking run?!?!?

  22. RT @MLBMayhem: John Lackey does what? https://t.co/IncGMjcs1i

  23. This might be fun. Snoop Dogg to Host 'Joker's Wild' Game Show Reboot at TBS | Hollywood Reporter #link https://t.co/4Z7fbXbeLS

  24. Here to support the Kaiser Band & Color Guard! Join us! (at @PizzaStudio909 in Fontana, CA) https://t.co/5E5kdBRw7a https://t.co/kXKMkmJn6M

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