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Posts posted by timmy351

  1. BA in Business Administration, concentration in Finance from CSUF. I got a piece of paper that says I have a degree which allows me to apply for jobs, but I wouldn't recommend the school to anyone. Besides maybe 3 or 4 professors there, the accreditation they have and the staff which includes professors, deans, department and administration workers at that school was a complete joke as far as I'm concerned.

    Unless that's how it is at most colleges, and I just went in expecting much more.

    After graduating though, it was tough. Thank god I was so persistent I learned through research and over the course of 10+ interviews how to say what employers wanted to hear. Not to mention I ended up paying $200 for an online company to write a resume for me, because up until then I wasn't getting any bites with the resume the Cal State system allegedly thought would work.

    Probably the best $200 I ever spent, as I now make that in half a days work. I'm not saying going to school and getting the degree wasn't worth it, I'm just saying I wasn't really satisfied with the college experience I had.

    Transferred to CSUF this semester and so far it's been great. Hearing these stories makes me a little uncomfortable.
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