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Status Updates posted by mike_hllywa

  1. .@Dictionarycom dunking on @realDonaldTrump never gets old. https://t.co/PHKjHtdlD8

  2. A Nazi, running as a Republican. Whooda thought. https://t.co/0lPWx5ciwF

  3. RT @DanMentos: me: my horse won't eat vet: ok there are several- me: I think he's a haytheist vet: me: vet: you don't even have a horse do…

  4. Delete tweets all you want, @PRyan, but we took screenshots. https://t.co/SBBtxqR0HO

  5. RT @ericvdunn: Black man attends his first #GroundhogDay cermony https://t.co/qrqToPbGyy

  6. @FlyByKnite @J_Dub23_1 This is not going to go over well with the Mrs.

  7. RT @pattymo: Were they otherwise looking for a reason to get rid of him? This seems like, at best, an offense punishable by roasting in the…

  8. @shortstoppin_ That game was fun. https://t.co/PHaJawuYl5

  9. RT @ClapGod: If a gay teacher can teach my kid the difference between they're, their, and there, I'm good. https://t.co/yczFcx7bdR

  10. @shortstoppin_ @DoctorBreedlove @2_Ring_Circus Lol. I guess.

  11. .@GRICHARDS26 knows what's up. #Winning https://t.co/EiOiHnvrvD

  12. Preach. https://t.co/0zHWkzMXqY

  13. @AmberHll I want to RT that everyday forever.

  14. Rot in hell you piece of shit. https://t.co/SwFrovsJGb

  15. What the fuck. https://t.co/OQRbwJ7Aqf

  16. @mwash1983 @Lana @CespedesBBQ So was Doogie Howser.

  17. I will henceforth refer to our dog Benny as Benito Santidoggo.

  18. @shutup_andrew Where are you?

  19. RT @tonyposnanski: Facebook- Did you hear about... Twitter- Yeah like five hours ago.

  20. @DarrynAlbert More importantly, how is Bruce Almighty number one? I demand a recount.

  21. @dyerless61783 @AmberHll Then what happens when it wants to try new flesh? Didn't think about that, did you.

  22. RT @AMAZlNGNATURE: Mind-Blowing Octopus color change

  23. @1000Steps Showing that BDSM casual wear off.

  24. RT @charles270: This count as police brutality? https://t.co/smEY7fyJ5p

  25. #BetoForSenate #PunkRockForSenate https://t.co/KRIiybhBiB

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