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Posts posted by TCameron

  1. Just got my supps in the mail. BCAAs, green tea extract, multi vitamin, fish oil, creatine and protein powder.

    Making my first push towards real weight gain. I've been skinny as hell my entire life, I'm currently 6 feet tall and weigh 140 pounds at age 25 :/ never been able to put on weight before no matter what I eat. Hoping to be at least 155-160 by July.



    You sound like me. I'm the same age/height and weighed 135 from high school through college, and 140 from then on up until just a couple of months ago. I've always had one hell of an appetite, but I've also been pretty active (run & swim a decent amount) and my weight never seemed to change that much.


    A few months back I made 155-160 my goal weight and really cranked it up a notch. It's easier said than done, but really you just have to shovel ridiculous amounts of (GOOD) food down your throat and have a strict, varied work out plan. You're probably like I was and think you eat a lot (which I did and don't doubt you do too), but I promise you can eat more and eat smarter (some supps are ok, but you will need more good foods too).


    As far as the gym goes, make sure you're not just doing the same thing every day. Not only will your body prefer the variety, but it will keep you mentally motivated as well. I've been doing a lot of body weight exercises in addition to lifting. I still run 5-6 days a week; one of those days is sprints, one is a long run, and the rest are medium distances at varying paces. Weekends I swim 1-2 miles. All the cardio makes it hard to pack on weight, but it's been really good for keeping off bad weight.


    After about two months I'm only a few lbs shy of hitting that goal weight consistently. 15 lbs doesn't sound like a lot, but the difference is significantly noticeable. I've had several people who had no idea of my goals come up to me noticing the change. Keep after it, you'll get there.

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