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Everything posted by kevinb

  1. This isn't the argument and like I know disneys inner workings? Is this a fucking Disney message board? Why would I know Disney doesn't pay taxes on their sales tickets?
  2. He wants he land for free and he wants he city to foot the bill for a 500 plus hundred million dollar stadium fuck him. Where do you live?
  3. Where did I say you couldn't ? So you'd rather have the city give Arte a blank check to build his stadium than have Disney not be taxed on ticket sales? Let's do an economic break down what benefits the city of Anaheim more? Let's play hypotheticals if Disney left or if Angels left which would have a greater economic impact
  4. Wanna fix our economy you know what you shouldn't be doing is giving 500 million for free to a billionaire owner who has a sports team that is tied emotionally to fans. That benefits economically solely him and provides emotional benefit to the fans.
  5. Nah they don't. And because the city of Anaheim isn't a developer they are a government that's moronic. Sell it to a developer or to Disney and watch it grow
  6. So you think the city of Anaheim is so smart that giving the Arte 500 plus million will fix their issues. The stadium is already there guys and it's not reinvigorating Anaheim. Sell it to Disney
  7. Wow so you think he can get 1 billion dollars for 30 years with no interest rate. What bank is doing that deal?
  8. You said only have consumers of his product pay. Not everyone in Anaheim goes to games and the city can't go to other cities for funds to pay for it
  9. Value but not worth the tax payers paying 500 plus million dollars in their income for an owner making hundred plus million a year on his franchise to get a 500 million dollar handout from the city tax payers. How does that not compute? Would you rather pay more taxes or less and then instead of giving your taxes to the government your giving your taxes to a billionaire sports franchise owner so he can build a stadium for his team and profit more off of it, then you have to after giving your money to him give him more money to go see his team play baseball on his field and buy concessions that all go back to his pocket
  10. So have the billionaire owner say instead of here's a 10 dollar ticket it's now. 1000 dollar ticket for upper deck seats? Because we're having only the fans pay for the stadium. Here's a guess if that happens. How many fans in the city of Anaheim will tell Arte to go bye bye.
  11. Not true you could do so much more than a stadium on that land hell even if you didn't sell the land to Disney. Apartments mix used condos shopping they have the music venue city business centers high rise towers etc etc etc
  12. There sports team benefits one person the sports owner. It provides you something to do on a random Saturday night not for free but you have to buy a ticket to go to a game so not only does the owner of the sports team get free hundreds of millions of dollars from the tax payers but then you the tax payers have to pay to see a game at their stadium haha
  13. Have the fucking owners build them if they want cities are being fleeced. So you'd rather see the government hand out 600 plus million dollar checks to billionaire owners so that you can watch a couple games a year at the stadium. And then these billionaires get to earn all the profit. Hell where the hell does my company sign up for shit like this. I'd love a free 500 million dollar check from the city and we provide more economic and social benefit than a stadium. We also have more employees but whatever let's help out this sports franchise and have the city go bk because they can't afford shit after
  14. Provides more economic value than a stadium that is only used 81 days a year. Provides way more jobs way more income for people which in turn puts more money back into the economy
  15. I don't know but doesn't Arte get all the income right now? He doesn't share very much of it. And I'm not talking now I'm talking about if he has the city try to pay for a new 500 plus million dollar stadium. That costs the city a ton of money. Not sure you know how it works but ya 500 plus million is a lot to some people
  16. Sports is a short term good for the owners and the "fans" who want to watch them but in the off season is a mess and it's an eye sore
  17. Sell to a mall are u kidding me that land is worth more than a mall you can sell it to Disney they make a huge whatever they want to build and it keeps making money provides jobs and infrastructure than a stadium that houses 81 games and a monster truck rally wahoo.
  18. All it is, is a handout. I get why Arte wants it because hey it's free f ing money to him but it costs the tax payers and the city hundreds of millions of dollars so this fat cat can get richer. But it would be this government would rather fork over hundreds of millions of dollars to a billionaire rather than you know save money. These owners are such criminals it's not even funny.
  19. Not enough to make up for it. They've done studies and it's not even close
  20. I hope he ownership group for the Dodgers builds a stadium downtown if Arte doesn't want to build a stadium Ansheim will not build it for him. I'm tired of these owners doing this stuff and taking the cities because they have a precious sports franchise.
  21. Hahaha he owns the team because it's an exclusive club that only a handful of people ever get to do and he had the means to do it. It's about being rich and famous and owning a sports team is his toy.
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