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Everything posted by UndertheHalo

  1. The game 127 grade thread is going to be awesome
  2. Why not? You just need a bunch of people thinking it’s funny to buy it.
  3. I think it’s smart to keep an eye on the Wall Street bets retards in relation to this. If the vibes there start turning towards this being a GameStop situation it may be easy money. Obviously this isn’t a stock you’d want to invest seriously in, or hold long term. But a lil gamble? You could do a lot worse probably.
  4. Of course Joe Brandon seems like he’s not exactly committed to preventing the ongoing wars from expanding. Which is the thing that could butt fuck the S&P through the end of the year. Otherwise. I think a continued run up over that period is probably the best bet.
  5. With rate cuts probably coming? Seems like a bold move in the short term. Go with god, etc.
  6. This would only be a problem for the most serious cases of libTardation.
  7. I like how they talk about Patrick Sandoval like it’s trying to talk to a dog. Like “ya, I think he understood exactly what they were talking about” lol does this guy not speak English what the fuck!?
  8. Yes this was always my plan. Fair trade imo.
  9. DONALD PROMISED THE BIBLE IN 4-6 WEEKS AND YET DELIVERED IT IN 4-6 DAYS. PROMISES MADE AND PROMISES KEPT. So it’s a Bible. In large print as you can see. Pretty simple. It also has a Declaration of Independence part in the back. And also a “muh freedom” babble tune in the back. I’m pretty sure this is the song from air shows I’ve been to. Also I believe this is Lee Greenwoods signature? or a facsimile anyway lol. Anyway. I am pleased to have lit money on fire with this acquisition.
  10. This is an awesome thread. I love that this guy watched them massively eat shit to the tune of 11-3 and then his thought was ok. What was the grade for all these guys that massively ate shit. lol. Blessed content.
  11. Indeed they should simply do all the baseball things. Uhhhh. Better.
  12. Gandalf the gay err grey. Good gay. Anthony Rendon, bad gay. Pretty basic stuff.
  13. Everyone knows there’s good gay and there’s bad gay. This was bad gay, sir.
  14. Do you guys think Arte flew out for the game? I hope he did! Wouldn’t want to miss a chance to get some crab cakes at Camden yards!
  15. I am revising my total wins projections. 104 wins in 2024 for the Angels.
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