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Trout Farm Seats

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The stadium policy.


Banners & Signs:

All banners and signs brought into the ballpark must meet the following guidelines: they must be baseball related and in good taste (as determined by Angels Baseball) cannot be commercial, political or obscene in nature; are not allowed anywhere within the playing field; may not be affixed to any ballpark wall, staff or pole; cannot cover up any advertising in the ballpark; and must be limited in size to 3 feet tall by 12 feet wide and be made of a fire retardant material.


1) we meet all the criteria

2) we have been green-lighted by Angels Management

3) I think we have RF squatters rights ;)



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Hamiltown, are your signs made of fire retardant material? I bet 99% of the signs carried into the stadium are not.


I'm having a difficult time imagining how the sign not being fire retardent could be relevant in an outdoor concrete stadium, short of some guy getting completely hammered then passing out while smoking a cig (against policy to smoke in the seats), only to have the sign land in contact with the smoldering cigarrete and have that fire spread to other seats without any of the other poeple in attendance noticing... 

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Lol that about sumbs it up. Are those foam Trout hats fire retardant?

There is fire retardant foam it is used in the funiture industry. If you put a flame to it the flame will self exstinguish. Not sure about fire retardant corrugated I think that may be a reach. Why they put that in the policy is to maybe cover their behinds.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Will this be similar to the King's Court that the Mariners have for every Felix start?


If so, I'm all for it. That section does a ton for the atmosphere at Mariner games.

I agree, those guys get wild. Standing the entire game and chanting the whole time, it's like they're at a soccer match haha..

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