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Welcome Back Daren Sutton


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If only for a brief time, it's great to hear Daren behind the mic called white hot Halo's action again.  I miss Daren's calls.  It's nice to hear his voice.  I still recall his stories of tooling around the Phoenix area in a Pinto sans AC.


Too bad he missed out on calling 2002 by only a season.


I hope this is not just a one-off situation but that the Angels can make some room for him in the broadcast booth.

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I remember on the "Official Angels Website" prior to the MLB Homogenization, there were a few people who were critical of either or both Mario and Daren, but that's going to happen no matter who is in the booth.  Although, looking at who's come and gone through the booth since, it really shows how good those two were together.


One of my favorite Daren Sutton story involves his father, after a particularly poor performance slamming his way into the locker room, upending the player spread, calmly walking over to his locker, pulling out his billfold, and paying the clubhouse attendant for the spread as well as the cleanup, then heading off to the shower.


I don't know why that story stuck with me all these years, but it killed me the way he told it.

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I thinks this may be a first in AW.com history.

100% agreement.

Of course, at this point, someone will probably take the otherside just to be a contrarian, but this tells me that Angels fans flat out love Daren.

Maybe one of the Angels folks that check in on these message boards might think about this thread when it comes to making a change.

Just sayin'. ;)

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I didn't like Impemba or Sutton, but I think it was about me.   I'd like Sutton back.   He's been around the game enough, as has Victor where you don't need a "color analyst."


Victor and Sutton, trading off duties (1-3, 4-6, 7-9).   Now contractually, I'm sure Victor has the gig as main announcer, so it likely is a dream that can't happen.  There's no reason why the two couldn't work together.


Ron Fairly worked well with Starr here and Niehaus in Seattle.


There are many of opportunities to use Sutton pre and post game, on TV.   He certainly could replace Lodge, but I imagine the gig would have to be meaty enough for him to accept, and those positions aren't it.

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There are some real good ones and some bad ones on this list.   I never liked Joe Buttitta.



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