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It's finally dawned on him that he's getting paid a King's Ransom to be an Angels fan. He gets to go to all the games, hang out with the players, listen in on the closed door meetings, and wear Angels red the whole time without the everyday grind of actually having to perform at the highest level.

Yeah, I'd say that too if I were him.


re: Vernon's contract


AngelsWin members holler when they contemplate all those dollars.

It's also the one thing every opponents announcer brings up when calling the games:

"Now here's Vernon Wells, owed $42M the next two years." <horrible batting average is shown on screen> "That's right, Vernon Wells -- The Angels 4th outfielder -- will personally make more than the combined Astros payroll this year"


It's also the one thing every opponents announcer brings up when calling the games:

"Now here's Vernon Wells, owed $82M the next two years." <horrible batting average is shown on screen> "That's right, Vernon Wells -- The Angels 4th outfielder -- will personally make more than the combined Astros payroll this year"


Wow that's a lot of money ... better check again





Wow that's a lot of money ... better check again


Edited. $42M not $82M.The Astros Payroll though is about $24M as of now -- still less than what Wells is getting from the Angels and Toronto (still paying $3.5M or so of Vernon's signing bonus)


If Vernon can fill the mentor role to Mike Trout that Torii Hunter filled last year, at least there will be a contribution, even if it's intangible.

Vernon is an intangible blessing.


If Vernon can fill the mentor role to Mike Trout that Torii Hunter filled last year, at least there will be a contribution, even if it's intangible.

In before the server crashes...

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