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Jose Mota-isms: There is such a thing as 'pretty much accurate.'

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"(Nelson) took care of business with the bat, and the way he swings it, and also with making sure he catches the ball at third base and that he has been doing for the Anyels, especially to going to his right.  He has been showing a rifle of an arm, he is pretty much accurate."




"(Nelson) took care of business with the bat, and the way he swings it, and also with making sure he catches the ball at third base and that he has been doing for the Anyels, especially to going to his right."




Just heard this beauty:


"Mike Butcher's telling him (Frieri) 'go out there, strike one is important, but also consider that -- and think that -- good things will happen when you release the ball out of your hands.'"


I have a vision of Frieri releasing a baseball from his hands like it's a dove, waiting for it to fly away upon release. 


I have a vision of Frieri closing his eyes and saying a little prayer right before the ball comes out of his hands

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