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Angels Official Website: Pujols' former trainer denies PED allegations

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"Why would I do something like that to my family?" Pujols said then. "Why would I do something like that to God? Why would I do something like that to my team? Just to try to gain some small extra? It's part of what I believe: What you do in the dark will come into the light. I have nothing to fear. I'm just tired of hearing about it."




He never really says "NO I'VE NEVER USED STEROIDS" in this statement. Just an observation.  




Gary Matthews Jr. finally broke his silence on the Internet performance-enhancing drugs scandal he has been linked to, saying Wednesday that he has never taken human growth hormone.

"I have never taken HGH -- during the 2004 season or any other time. Nobody has accused me of doing so, and no law enforcement authority has said I am a target of any investigation for doing so," Matthews said in a statement released by the team.

Angels owner Arte Moreno, general manager Bill Stoneman and manager Mike Scioscia all said they were pleased Matthews finally addressed the issue and that he denied using HGH.


"Why would I do something like that to my family?" Pujols said then. "Why would I do something like that to God? Why would I do something like that to my team? Just to try to gain some small extra? It's part of what I believe: What you do in the dark will come into the light. I have nothing to fear. I'm just tired of hearing about it."




He never really says "NO I'VE NEVER USED STEROIDS" in this statement. Just an observation.  


I'm not saying that Pujols is lying, because I don't know, but one of the traits of people who are lying is answering a question with a question, especially one that starts "Why would I...?". Attempting to plant doubts about one's possible motivation to do such a thing is one way of deflecting responsibility. A question doesn't answer a question.


Meh, Arod when asked on 60 minutes whether he used (I think it was 60 minutes) flat out said no. So I don't think it matters, within reason, how you answer. Either you are telling the truth or not. That won't stop people from picking apart your every move and answer.


Funny thing is, if Pujols was still on another team - everyone on Angel fan boards would say "You just now figured that out?!?!?" 


He's on our team, and it's "How dare you!"


There is no proof or smoking gun (or even smoke) other than accusations right now.  Relatively nothing.  Literally nothing.


But if something came out, would any of you be shocked?  Surprised?  Sure, maybe.


I don't believe anyone anymore. 


When millions upon millions of dollars are at stake and guaranteed, this isn't your 1952 MLB'er.


Rewards now can last many lifetimes.


Meh, Arod when asked on 60 minutes whether he used (I think it was 60 minutes) flat out said no. So I don't think it matters, within reason, how you answer. Either you are telling the truth or not. That won't stop people from picking apart your every move and answer.


People who are really good at lying - or who believe that they are - resort to outright denial, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. A-Roid has no conscience, so he wouldn't resort to answering a question with a question.


Albert's statement ...



I’ve said time and time again that I would never take, or even consider taking, anything illegal.  I’ve been tested hundreds of times throughout my career and never once have I tested positive.  It is irresponsible and reckless for Jack Clark to have falsely accused me of using PED’s.  My faith in Jesus Christ, and my respect for this game are too important to me.  I would never be able to look my wife or kids in the eye if I had done what this man is accusing me of.
 I know people are tired of athletes saying they are innocent, asking for the public to believe in them, only to have their sins exposed later down the road.   But I am not one of those athletes, and I will not stand to have my name and my family’s name, dragged through the mud.
 I am currently in the process of taking legal action against Jack Clark and his employers at WGNU 920AM.  I am going to send a message that you cannot act in a reckless manner, like they have, and get away with it.  If I have to be the athlete to carry the torch and pave the way for other innocent players to see that you can do something about it,  I am proud to be that person.  I have five young children and I take being a role model very seriously.  The last thing I want is for the fans, and especially the kids out there, to question my reputation and character.

 I am currently in the process of taking legal action against Jack Clark and his employers at WGNU 920AM.  I am going to send a message that you cannot act in a reckless manner, like they have, and get away with it.  If I have to be the athlete to carry the torch and pave the way for other innocent players to see that you can do something about it,  I am proud to be that person.  I have five young children and I take being a role model very seriously.  The last thing I want is for the fans, and especially the kids out there, to question my reputation and character.



This is great and he should...if he is innocent.


I saw many posts like this with Armstrong and Braun.   The Armstrong defenders were almost violent.  They must feel great today.


And as for legal action, well...it's well documented what Armstrong did and basically ruined some other careers as a result.


The *!&@# part today is you have had so many cases of the same type of thing being said and proven wrong later that some of us at least (me) become gun shy when this stuff comes up.


I _really_ want to believe him, and not just because he's now an Angel.  I have no reason to not believe him.


The only nagging part of me is his drop off this year after his most recent - and last - contract.   Yes, he has an injury but one he has also suffered from at times in the past - but didn't affect his numbers.


Best case scenario:  Pujols sues, wins, and sets an example to prevent reckless accusations.

Worst case scenario:  His drop off this year could be attributed to signing his final deal and set for many lifetimes, not wanting to risk health issues with further use as no need now, and...


The only other cynical part of me is why is Clark accusing Pujols of all people.  And dragging his trainer into this.  What's his motivation?  Ratings?  Many others he can attack.   I've not read all the articles so maybe there is history here I don't know about.


I hope he's telling the truth, will come back healthy next year, and show everyone where they can shove it.


With ARod, Braun, Armstrong and all the other PED users that got caught in the lie all had something in common...EVIDENCE. These athletes had dirty tests, witnesses with first hand testimony, and anti doping investigations.


All Pujols has is some third hand story (that doesn't check out) from a Jack Hole that has also recklessly accused other players of PEDs. Just like any other clean player without evidence of PED use, they have also denied any allegations.


I'm not saying that Pujols is lying, because I don't know, but one of the traits of people who are lying is answering a question with a question, especially one that starts "Why would I...?". Attempting to plant doubts about one's possible motivation to do such a thing is one way of deflecting responsibility. A question doesn't answer a question.


Vegas Halo Fan has seen a few episodes of Lie to Me, so he's an expert on lying.


Funny thing is, if Pujols was still on another team - everyone on Angel fan boards would say "You just now figured that out?!?!?" 


He's on our team, and it's "How dare you!"


Uh, have you read the other thread? There are plenty of Angel fans indicting Pujols for using steroids.


The Jack Clark accusations thread is 6 pages long. A report that discredits Clark's "facts" is only at 6 replies. Proof that people only believe what they CHOOSE to hear.


People love to watch the fire burn..


Don't forget that this jack ass Clark also accused Justin Verlander of using PED's due to his ability to increase velocity later in games.

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