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"I've got to tell you, with my experiences with Major League Baseball -- and after all of this, there's no chance I'm getting to buy a team -- it's basically become Bud Selig's mafia,"


"Horrible," Cuban replied to Leno's question about Rodriguez's suspension. "I think it's disgraceful what Major League Baseball is trying to do to him.


"Obviously, Bud Selig does not like to be tested," Cuban said. "He does not want anybody to stand up to him."


"It's never been proven that HGH helps a baseball player or a basketball player. It's just been so tainted that players shouldn't take it that it's become banned for no good reason."


"But I think this is more about Bud Selig trying to flex his muscles and say, 'If you don't kiss the ring, I'm going to take care of you and kick you out of Major League Baseball.' I think that's wrong."




I'm not a Cuban fan but I respect his business savy and his moxy.


It's kind of a silly argument.  If there is no evidence that HGH helped players, they wouldn't be taking it.


Cuban's act of being a rebel is just that, an act.  He's just another power hungry super-rich dude.


Yeah, agree with mt about the HGH thing. If it doesn't help, why take and why ban it?

I tuned in a bit late to the interview but Cuban came off looking a bit whiny because he couldn't buy a team. That doesn't mean he was wrong, however, about Emperor Bud.


And it's a pretty ignorant thing to say regarding HGH.


Maybe not so ignorant. This, from WebMD:


But the most common uses for HGH are not FDA-approved. Some people use the hormone, along with other performance-enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids, to build muscle and improve athletic performance. Yet HGH's effect on athletic performance is unknown.

Because the body's HGH levels naturally decrease with age, some so-called antiaging experts have speculated and claimed that HGH products could reverse age-related bodily deterioration. But these claims, too, are unproven. The use of HGH for antiaging is not FDA-approved.


Growth hormone has been shown to increase short-term speed on a bike in one study but it's never been shown to increase power or endurance. Nearly every study has shown that its performance-enhancing effects are either inconclusive or nonexistent.


Unless you have severe GH-deficiency, injecting it will cause a host of issues. It might have been trendy at one time because the name "growth hormone" just screams PED, but I don't really think it's that common in athletic circles.


I thought he was accused of using steroids anyway. 


Wondering if a fat older guy like me who sits behind a desk most of the time ... will lose my gut (it's not that big) and get stronger on a HGH diet while still sitting behind my desk?


If it works, tell me and send me the name and address of the place where you bought it.


It's kind of a silly argument.  If there is no evidence that HGH helped players, they wouldn't be taking it.


Cuban's act of being a rebel is just that, an act.  He's just another power hungry super-rich dude.

He's actually right, statistically speaking. 


Users and nonusers have the same exact stats.  No variation.


I made a thread about it.


Cuban is the type of guy that when he's the owner of the team you follow you love him otherwise he's an asshole. I don't think he was ever getting into the MLB owners box even before this because the other owners wouldn't vote him in and that's why he's running his mouth now.



No way.  I love him and I am a Warrior fan.


Cuban is a fascinating character. Met him wasted at a bar in manhattan beach about a year ago. Cool dude actually. I have him props for busting on "The Donald" a few years ago.

I don't think he is nearly as bad as some make him out to be here.


Loria has run the Marlins into the ground, more than once. To think that he came close to bringing them here makes me cringe. With all the entertainment options that Las Vegas has, a team playing like the Marlins are would be lucky to draw anything other than vagrants here.

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