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I just got an Amber Alert on my phone (an Android). One of my Facebook friends posted that he got an Amber Alert on his iPhone at the same exact time. Now every citizen can do his due diligence in thwarting kidnappers.


After I dismissed the alert, my phone automatically went to a screen that let me uncheck what kind of emergency alerts I would receive. I unchecked all of them.


After I dismissed the alert, my phone automatically went to a screen that let me uncheck what kind of emergency alerts I would receive. I unchecked all of them.

Found it in "Settings" on my iPhone. Thanks.


This is the first time I've gotten one.  I need to recalibrate my phone to reject these.


This Amber Alert *may* be the first to break the So Cal Angelswin rules.


The rules are -


  • The Amber Alert is a latino family or people of color
  • It is a family squabble


This one, the people are white.  It is not family member kidnapping, but it is a person with a "close platonic relationship" with mother.






A few people at work were talking about it because one alert that came through last night woke one of them up.  Told them they can turn those off then went yk on them mentioning I don't want those alerts or people who can barely drive already looking at other cars on the freeway for someone they won't find. 


On iPhone it's under settings > notifications > government alerts. At least that's how it is on the iPhone 5


It did not inconvenience me like it did so many other people. I think half of my Facebook friends posted about it. Slow Monday I guess.


The only youth kidnapping that we see go on in So Cal is by baby mommas, baby daddies, various boyfriends, and guys with "close platonic relationships" with the moms.


What if I am the one kidnapped, and my kidnapper drives by a bunch of you, but you have turned off your Amber Alert messages?

You'll just have to go all macgyver on your captors and hope for the best 'cause you ain't getting squat from anyone here.

I mean, I'd help but I have bad knees.


The streak continues.




Kidnapping and murder suspect James DiMaggio was so close to the family whose life he is alleged to have turned upside down, that they considered him one of their own.

DiMaggio came into the lives of Brett and Christina Anderson months before their daughter Hannah, now 16, was born.

"He basically became part of our family," Brett Anderson told CNN's Chris Cuomo on Thursday.


So police find a box of letters from Hannah to the guy.  And a box of used condoms (ewwww).





And the two exchanged a dozen phone calls in the day before the murder.





The YK Amber Alert streak remains undefeated.  This was not some abduction.  The two had a thing and were probably plotting to kill the family.

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