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What a terrible article. The first few paragraphs make it sound like the police randomly stormed into his house and tased/shot him for no reason.


What a terrible article. The first few paragraphs make it sound like the police randomly stormed into his house and tased/shot him for no reason.

Yep. It starts in the middle of the story.


Over the years, I've met some pretty spry 90+ year olds. These are the more active ones who might still play golf or cards. Not one of them, as pissed off and/or acting out as much as they could has ever been seen as a threat by me more than taking a bruise, if that.


If the cops felt the need to use a shotgun bean bag or a taser on this guy, they need to seriously re-evaluate either their mental state or their training (probably both).


While I'm quite sure Mr. 95 year old did something to put the staff in the position of calling for outside help, the outside help sure made things worse. But, then again, it seems like when the cops show up, things escalate rather quickly. 9 times out of 10 it seems the cops presence and actions simply make situations worse, not better.

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