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This reminds me of the time Chris Perez got pissed at Kendrick for a game winning bunt.  Matt Garza has completely embarrassed himself and Rangers org and has himself to petulant, entitled ass-clown that will try to excuse his behavior as being "competitive".


You love a guy that rips another player's wife on twitter all because Sogard bunted? 


Well, I mean a misogynistic rant about how Sogard should shut his wife up totally seems like a rational response to a freaking bunt, right?


Hey...where's everyone going?


Maybe if he didn't walk Callaspo (with a 3-2 curve ball)..he wouldn't have had to worry about a squeeze.


I check Kaycee' page out sometimes..seems like a pretty cool gal.


On the bright side, should make things more interesting.


Uhh Garza, this is the 21st century, and not the 1950s. Howard Cunningham is not your average dad, DDE is not the president, gas is not 19 cents/gallon, and women are allowed to speak.

Don't forget your caveman outfit and club, fool.


I thinks his facial hair style is evidence of his douchebagness.

This is very true. Whatever that nonsense is on his chin, it needs to go.

And he can take Blanton with him for having the same thing on his chin.


The best part is that he used twitter to illustrate how the guy should be a man. 




Calling someone else out on Twitter usually shows that a guy is setting the standard for masculinity.

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