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The Bourjos and Trout catches still had a higher degree of difficulty because they made them on the dead run, but Shuck's wins for the "this is gonna hurt" factor, especially since nobody cushioned his fall.  Was pretty much headfirst into chair/ground.


In Shuck's case a couple fans at least tried to cushion his fall. In wells situation most of the fans near the wall had their back to Wells watchin the ball sail over their heads only to turn around and see him on the ground with a puzzled "oh, look it's Vernon" expression


It's the catch of the year in my book.  Still, when I talk to Angels fans about "The Catch" everyone knows exactly what I'm talking about.  Not sure if it really put Mike Trout on the map, but it was that very moment, when Trout went from being a West Coast phenomenon to a worldwide superstar.  Nobody jumps that high, nobody reach back that far.  No one has that authentic boyish reaction like a kid at a little league park.  No one watches themselves on instant replay without being labeled a premadonna.  Only Mike Trout. 


Was so nice to see a highlight reel catch that didn't come off an angel bat. I still think that Edmunds catch in Kansas City was the best catch of all time. Only one close is Mays off wertz and only because that one was in the series.


Hard to argue that Chavez catch.  It was in the playoffs, and a double play.


But As Angels fans, you got to go with Edmonds.  We are pretty lucky.  After this year, when MLBN does their 100 best plays of the year, the Angels will have at least three of the top 20, all three being home run robbers.


Too bad there's no film of the terrific over-the-shoulder catch by Al Simmons of Lou Gehrig's attempt at a fifth home run on June 3, 1932, in the 9th inning. It was hit to the deepest part of centerfield in Philadelphia's Shibe Park, 470 feet from home plate. Descriptions vary, but all agree that it was a spectacular catch. It's not clear whether the ball would have left the park. I imagine Gehrig might have had an inside-the-park HR if Simmons hadn't made the play.




Chavez catch was a clutch play. No doubt about it. But as far as degree of difficulty it probably isn't even top 100. The stage is the only reason any of us even remember it.

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