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When you buy a song from them you also get the artwork from the album cover. Is there a way to get the album cover for songs albums that you haven't purchased from iTunes but come from your own cd collection that you've downloaded on your computer?


Click on File -> Library -> Get Album Artwork. That will cover some of it. Though it can be kind of finicky regarding tags.

You can also save the cover from google or something and add it to itunes.


Click on File -> Library -> Get Album Artwork. That will cover some of it. Though it can be kind of finicky regarding tags.

You can also save the cover from google or something and add it to itunes.

Thanks! Is there any cost for them?


Thanks! Is there any cost for them?

I don't think so. It won't charge you automatically though if there is. But I'm almost positive you don't have to pay anything.


Nate, do the directions in the second link work for macs?


Not sure, probably not.  tdawg's suggestion will probably take care of what you need though.


It's pretty easy.  Go to iTunes.  Select an album.  Go to google image search, search for album art, drag and drop into the album art area.  And bob's your uncle.


Yeah this is a pretty cool feature.


It helps because 60% of the albums I have are not on itunes.

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