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No way. Even if the race for MVP was close, he wouldn't get it because of how bad the Angels are this year.

But he still leads the majors in War. Wouldn't that make him a valuable player. 


Who knows? Wasn't Cabrera pretty far behind Trout at this point last season? He caught fire the last 2 months and Trout slowed a little and Miggy won it. If Trout heats up and Miggy cools down Trout could win it this year even with the Angels being so bad.


But he still leads the majors in War. Wouldn't that make him a valuable player. 

It would if Halliburton, Lockheed, Northrup Grumman, or Raytheon were in charge of MVP votes.


My money is on Miggy

Total combined Runs & RBI's is usually where the top players end up.

Scoreboard Baby!


Cabrera 177


Davis 175


Trout 139


These are the top three in the AL ... if you count speed and defense then Trout is right there with them. This award usually based on offense.


It would if Halliburton, Lockheed, Northrup Grumman, or Raytheon were in charge of MVP votes.

You forgot blackwater.


Trout is again far and away the best player in MLB this year, but he won't win it.

He really should though, think how amazing it would have been to have a guy win two MVPs in his first two seasons?? If he were a Yankee, it would be a lock

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