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good.  I am pretty done with damaged goods or reclamation projects. 

At age 28, Kennedy is hardly a reclamation project. Two years removed from a fabulous season. He also averaged 33 starts each year from 2010-12 and has started 21 games this year. Not fragile, like most of our pitchers.


At age 28, Kennedy is hardly a reclamation project. Two years removed from a fabulous season. He also averaged 33 starts each year from 2010-12 and has started 21 games this year. Not fragile, like most of our pitchers.

looked great in 2011.  2012 all of a sudden not as much and more of the same this year.  Youngish guys that regress like this scream injury. 


looked great in 2011.  2012 all of a sudden not as much and more of the same this year.  Youngish guys that regress like this scream injury. 

How could he be injured if he's starting 33 games a year?

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