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Before banning me, let me start by saying I come in peace. I am not a troll.


My name is Nick and I am a diehard Rangers fan. (Even got married in the ballpark, engaged at opening day, etc.)


Now to the meat and potatoes of it. I have always been a fan of hearing different opinions on various topics. I used to read newspapers from other cities to to get an outsiders opinion on my team, then I found the world of message boards. Much easier to get a good feel for how another teams fans feel about trades, rivalry, and even in game moves on the fly. I have lurked at this board for a couple seasons and it seems to be one of the more active and all around better boards when it comes to the Angels. If you all have any interest in a biased Ranger fans opinion, who isn't here to start any trouble I am willing to stick around and throw in my two cents when I feel appropriate. If not I understand and I can fade back into the background. All I ask is some semblance of a mutual respect, and a refrain from personal attacks on myself.


I am more than willing to answer any questions you guys want to throw my way.


Angels fan from London, England, managed to catch games on three different occasions so far but hoping to be back this summer


Welcome to AngelsWIn.com London, England fan! 


Just curious (and for marketing purposes), how did you find us?


Welcome to AngelsWIn.com London, England fan!

Just curious (and for marketing purposes), how did you find us?

Cheers mate.

Simply from google, read the forum for a while but finally decided to sign up with the season upon us


Cheers mate.

Simply from google, read the forum for a while but finally decided to sign up with the season upon us


Awesome, thanks for the feedback. Be sure to jump right in and talk Angels Baseball and more. If you're a soccer fan too, you'll dig our Soccer forum as well here.


Cheers mate! 


Awesome, thanks for the feedback. Be sure to jump right in and talk Angels Baseball and more. If you're a soccer fan too, you'll dig our Soccer forum as well here.

Cheers mate!

No problem, ill do my best, enjoy being kept up to date through the posters on here, bits of news we just don't get in England.

Oh I am, Tottenham season ticket holder for my sins


No problem, ill do my best, enjoy being kept up to date through the posters on here, bits of news we just don't get in England.

Oh I am, Tottenham season ticket holder for my sins


Very good. Don't be bashful. These guys don't bite. Especially in the soccer forum, they're pretty timid, but also really knowledgeable of the sport. 


Very good. Don't be bashful. These guys don't bite. Especially in the soccer forum, they're pretty timid, but also really knowledgeable of the sport.

I look forward to the discussions then, especially coming into the key part of the season.

Also notice you're a Seahawks fan which is cool as that's who I follow too!


I look forward to the discussions then, especially coming into the key part of the season.

Also notice you're a Seahawks fan which is cool as that's who I follow too!


Yeah, huge Seahawks fan since '83. I'm really loving their team going into this season with the additions they've made and the success following their 2012 season. 


Yeah, huge Seahawks fan since '83. I'm really loving their team going into this season with the additions they've made and the success following their 2012 season.

Long time, me just since 2005 but I agree, I love this team right now, got huge confidence already for next season. Harvin was one missing piece, Avril and Bennett were fantastic additions to the pass rush and if we get Branch signed up I think we are in the position of being able to go BPA in the draft. This is such a complete team now and we need to make the most of it whilst we can afford to keep them all. Next years extensions might be difficult


Long time, me just since 2005 but I agree, I love this team right now, got huge confidence already for next season. Harvin was one missing piece, Avril and Bennett were fantastic additions to the pass rush and if we get Branch signed up I think we are in the position of being able to go BPA in the draft. This is such a complete team now and we need to make the most of it whilst we can afford to keep them all. Next years extensions might be difficult




Disclaimer: Not a Red's fan. I'm a fan of the Red ranger in Power Ranger's which is why I chose the name.


Went to Fan Fest for the first time this year. It was awesome. I look forward to many an online conversation with some of you.


Rick Manning here.  I have lived in Maryland for the past 28 years, but remain a loyal Angel fan dating back to my favorite player as a kid -ole number 11 - Jim Fregosi.


I have enjoyed lurking and decided to sign up so I could join the fun.  After many years of looking for a really top notch site for Angels baseball, I think I've finally found what I've been searching for.




Disclaimer: Not a Red's fan. I'm a fan of the Red ranger in Power Ranger's which is why I chose the name.


Went to Fan Fest for the first time this year. It was awesome. I look forward to many an online conversation with some of you.


Welcome to AngelsWin.com REDemption! If you went to our Spring Fanfest, I'm sure we left a great impression on you. :)


Don't be shy, jump right in and contribute to discussions here bud. 


Rick Manning here.  I have lived in Maryland for the past 28 years, but remain a loyal Angel fan dating back to my favorite player as a kid -ole number 11 - Jim Fregosi.


I have enjoyed lurking and decided to sign up so I could join the funAfter many years of looking for a really top notch site for Angels baseball, I think I've finally found what I've been searching for.


Appreciate the kind words SC81. Welcome to AngelsWin.com!


PM me if you have any questions. Here's some help links that may make your overall experience here an enjoyable one. 




Here's to a successful 2013 Rick.  Cheers! 


Scott here. I've been a fan as long as I can remember since the late 70's. I grew up not too far from the stadium and remember my dad picking my brother and I up from the games in his Taxi.


John Taylor here, i was jtaylor944 on the old board, I did a "Red Onion" article, and created the satire website "Fake Halos News", this year i decided to go more serious because I'm a stats nerd, and created "he Halo Report" which is kind of a simple stats based website about the Angels. When I did the satire thing it was quite fun because I was able to come up with stuff of the top of my head that was pretty funny, but then I started putting pressure on myself, i kind of lost the "mojo" to do it anymore (and stay funny), so i went legit, lol


Born in HB, family were season ticket holders from '86 to 2002, now live in Idaho, representing Angels love here in the land of potatoes!

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