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The love for the BlowSux by ESPN

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Pedroia didn't just make an out his first time at bat, he hit a "screamer to 3B."  


Yeesh.  And then again they mention "lined out hard to third his first time up."  Everything Pedroia does is hard, evidently.

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Because it's only nutjobs like you guys who actually believe it exists.


You really don't think there is any sort of bias towards east coast teams, in regards to baseball? I mean, I understand thinking it's overblown, but to imply that it doesn't actually exist is...silly, to say the least.

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Of course there is bias.  But look where ESPN is.  I bet the majority of people that work for the company are Red Sox fans or grew up as such.  The reason they gush about the Yankees and Sox so much is because most of their viewer base is located in that part of the country.  Outside of the Lakers, there isn't a team in the western part of the United States that gets constant National coverage.  I think the closest one would be the Cowboys.

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The Red Sox do have the best record in the AL... in addition to having a large fan base that includes many annoying if not obnoxious SoCal natives that show up when they play in Anaheim.  


Two people sitting next to me last night we wearing no gear, but started cheering when the Red Sox hit foul balls, so I assumed they were Red Sox fans.   Then, they cheered when Kendrick hit a home run. I was confused.  Maybe I had misjudged them.  They later made it more clear they were Red Sox fans, but it was a bizarre experience.

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