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Ostensibly (I'm hoping to get that into the aw.com vocabulary, right next to "disingenuous) passing a law to prohibit a group of people making their religious beliefs into law, while actually trying to make their own religious beliefs into law.  In a way, this is beautiful - right up there with the Patriot Act.  


Couple of things, show me a bill that doesn't have something completely unconnected attatched to it.  It's a horrible practice that I think should be illegal but it's certainly not ironce.


Also, your little anti-Christian crusade is running out of steam.  Pro-life doesn't have to be a religious issue.  There is plenty of science to back up the idea that human life begins at conception, you don't need a Bible to see it.


Couple of things, show me a bill that doesn't have something completely unconnected attatched to it.  It's a horrible practice that I think should be illegal but it's certainly not ironce.


Also, your little anti-Christian crusade is running out of steam.  Pro-life doesn't have to be a religious issue.  There is plenty of science to back up the idea that human life begins at conception, you don't need a Bible to see it.



I agree that pro-life doesn't have to be a religious issue, but it seems to me that it's become one.  That life begins at conception is still debatable, as is what the term "life" means.  


And I do agree about attachments to bills.  It's a horrible practice and each item should be considered individually.


I agree that pro-life doesn't have to be a religious issue, but it seems to me that it's become one.  That life begins at conception is still debatable, as is what the term "life" means.  


And I do agree about attachments to bills.  It's a horrible practice and each item should be considered individually.


Anything is debatable, (just ask my 11 year old). 


It is an issue with Christians. It is not a Christian or religious issue. 



I can appreciate that distinction.  


It is an issue with Christians. It is not a Christian or religious issue. 


yet the three lobbies for the bill all have religious/christian ties. 


obviously. christians, lolz. 


Since you have such a better grasp on science and reality then us silly Christians.  Would you care to explain scientifically how a fertilized egg is not "life".


You can debate if life starts at conception. The tricky part is most women don't know they are pregnant till several weeks after conception. By then life has progressed developed relatively fast. I'll have to look up when the heart starts beating.


I just brought up the heartbeat because it's pointless to bring up if life starts at conception. Women aren't aware they are pregnant at that point. By the time they do, the pregnancy has progressed to the point where a life has started. I just use the heartbeat as an example of that.


I do agree with mt though. It's black and white when it comes to conception and when life starts. But the argument has been going on for awhile and will probably continue to.


I just brought up the heartbeat because it's pointless to bring up if life starts at conception. Women aren't aware they are pregnant at that point. By the time they do, the pregnancy has progressed to the point where a life has started. I just use the heartbeat as an example of that.

It's not pointlesd. It doesn't matter if they are aware or not. The point of saying life begins at conception is that that is when that life deserves to be protected. Life has started well before the heart starts beating. 


I do agree with mt though. It's black and white when it comes to conception and when life starts. But the argument has been going on for awhile and will probably continue to.

The argument goes on because people who are "pro abortion" use it to justify abortion because as long as it's not a life yet, the issue isn't about taking a life, it's about a woman's right to choose. 


lol @ "pro abortion".  I guess that would make the opposition "anti-woman", right lifetime?



Haha ... yeah!  That would be like using the term "War on Women."

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