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The Obama administration is postponing the federal health care law’s insurance mandate for employers next year, in a major concession to the business community and lawmakers who have become increasingly vocal about the law’s potential to damage a slowly recovering economy.





Medium size businesses everywhere rejoice in getting a year reprieve before being bent over.


Typical.  The administration has been pressuring the hell out of the insurance companies to be in compliance with all this shit while still not having all of the finalized details to give us.  And now the millions that we have spent preparing for this business is for naught because we won't be seeing it for another year.  It is such a mess.


Typical. The administration has been pressuring the hell out of the insurance companies to be in compliance with all this shit while still not having all of the finalized details to give us. And now the millions that we have spent preparing for this business is for naught because we won't be seeing it for another year. It is such a mess.

Welcome to Dodd Frank and the response to the mortgage crisis. Another cluster**** where they just passed laws but never set them up or were ready to handle the changes at Capitol Hill.


And yet individuals will still be required to get insurance.  


Can anyone see the two trains getting closer and closer?  They are about to collide.


Hey....let's pass the most over-arching legislation in the history of the country and the most expensive, not read it and later find out what it is all about, not like it, shake in our boots about not being re-elected and delay, delay until we figure it out.


We are doomed.


Some people on here have seen me as an Obama cheerleader, but I was just defending him against the stuff I thought was stupid - muslim, socialist, Occidental, Kenyan, etc.  I've never much liked him but I felt that the dislike for him should stick to what I thought were the more legitimate issues.


After the last few months, though...**** it.  I'm done.  This is just another reminder.  Obama sucks.


Some people on here have seen me as an Obama cheerleader, but I was just defending him against the stuff I thought was stupid - muslim, socialist, Occidental, Kenyan, etc.  I've never much liked him but I felt that the dislike for him should stick to what I thought were the more legitimate issues.


After the last few months, though...**** it.  I'm done.  This is just another reminder.  Obama sucks.


Thanks Obama!  (You worthless Kenyan socialist muslim.)


But what about all the healthy young people making 50K/year who choose not to insure themselves? Are they still going to be taken care of?


But what about all the healthy young people making 50K/year who choose not to insure themselves? Are they still going to be taken care of?


Nope, $2k a year fine or something similar.


I don't know all the ins and outs of the decision and why it was made. One of the initial impacts of this seems to be that it pushes more people on to the exchanges, more young people, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing as it adds low risk individuals to the exchange pool (though seeing as many states have decided to try and rat**** the law and drop the exchange creation on the federal government that may not fare so well).


From a purely political optics standpoint and the appearance that they are having challenges implementing the ACA, definitely not good.


They never should have taken the public option off the table.


I don't know all the ins and outs of the decision and why it was made. One of the initial impacts of this seems to be that it pushes more people on to the exchanges, more young people, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing as it adds low risk individuals to the exchange pool (though seeing as many states have decided to try and rat**** the law and drop the exchange creation on the federal government that may not fare so well).


From a purely political optics standpoint and the appearance that they are having challenges implementing the ACA, definitely not good.


They never should have taken the public option off the table.


Because the government can't even handle what they have now, you think that they could have implemented a public option.  Hilarious.  This bill never should have passed in the first place.  It was hastily thrown together and full of holes.


Because the government can't even handle what they have now and you think that they could have implemented a public option.  Hilarious.  This bill never should have passed in the first place.  It was hastily thrown together and full of holes.



The signature legislative achievement of his presidency.  




Because the government can't even handle what they have now, you think that they could have implemented a public option.  Hilarious.  This bill never should have passed in the first place.  It was hastily thrown together and full of holes.



This is pretty much what I have been saying from the beginning. Rather than trying to "solve" everything in one grandiose bill that no one really read much less understood, with no real implementation plan, they should have passed some simple reforms that could be implemented and then build on that with additional well thought out ideas. This instead was a rush bamboozle that is a bloody nightmare. 


A public option based on what is already successfully done for Medicare and Medcaid? Yes, I think that would have been easier to do than a system of mandates, states, political footballs, commercial interests, etc. etc. You have a successful blueprint to work off of. Feel free to take a look at the costs of administering Medicare vs. commercial/individual plans.





The ACA has never been perfect legislation, and that isn't helped by the administration's missteps at times, along with the political rat****ing that has occurred as well. In a functioning government we'd be looking at how we amend the legislation to meet the end goal of providing efficient quality care to the people who live in this country. We'd look at what is working (there is plenty that is), and what isn't...and make the necessary adjustments. Instead the House wastes time on scheduling vote after vote to rescind the legislation knowing it will never come to pass and Republican states turn down Medicaid expansion ensuring the people who need it the most can't get coverage.


If the opponents of the legislation had a better idea (ps. the old status quo was not working...costs were skyrocketing and more and more people were falling off the coverage rolls), would love to hear it....won't hold my breath waiting though.


You should look back at old discussions if you want to know what opponents were suggesting as alternatives. Needing to make changes to a problematic system is not an excuse for poorly thought out over sweeping legislation with no implementation plan. Almost any idea would have been better than this crap of a bill. 

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