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Girl buys water and gets charged with felony

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One jumped on the hood of her SUV; another pulled out a gun, Daly said, as her roommates seated inside looked on in horror.


What a perfectly reasonable reaction to seeing someone who kinda looks underage buying something that kinda looks like beer.

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"It wouldn't be the right thing to do to prosecute this."


And, after all, doing the right thing is what this is all about. 


Seeing that the girls are alive to tell the story, this didn't happen in LA.


I'm not sure about that. They would probably still be alive, while the LAPD shot up five or six vehicles that looked nothing like the one they were in.

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Undercover cops making armed arrests for misdemeanor suspects, secret courts issuing warrants, data collection without warrant or suspicion. Mandatory insurance purchase. Indefinite detention of citizens authorized. What country is this?



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wow.  over-react much?!

The problem with ABC is that they don't do much "street work".  Their experience is limited to tv-training, which is why they are usually accompanied by a minimum of at least one local, uniformed Officer.  This may have prevented her reaction to their tactic of pounce on the car.

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Article looks like it was updated and they dropped the felony charges.  


Bu as LBHalo stated.  If they had uniformed officers, this probably could have been prevented.  Although, I can't even tell uniformed officers anymore, since most sherrifs where Tshirts and jeans, and you can barely see if they have a badge that's usually hooked onto their belt.  

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Would you feel better if they chased her with a shoe? 


I'd prefer they didn't chase her at all.  Maybe in Idaho cops patrol the convenience stores looking for possible underage drinking, but that isn't the norm nor should it be.


I'd rather have the police dealing with a little more serious crimes.

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So when a group of people wearing street clothes ambush me and my girlfriend getting in our car, point guns at us, and I don't see a badge or flashing red and blues, I'm just supposed to sit there and take it "just in case it's the cops"?? What if they aren't cops and end up just being street thugs and I just let it happen? Now I'm putting both of us in danger. 


There need to be obvious visual requirements for undercover law enforcement officers to just start jumping on cars and pointing guns in peoples faces. 


When you point a gun at someone, you are obviously considering firing and injuring/killing. And over what, underage beer purchases?


These dumb low life pigs need to start being held accountable for their over-use of power and authority, because this type of stuffs just getting worse.

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Fearing for her life, I'm surprised she only grazed a few of those idiots while driving away.  At the same time, those idiots could've easily opened up fire on their car for fearing for their lives.  It's really a miracle no one was killed during this incident.


This should never happen, ever. This is the type of shit that just gets my blood boiling.

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