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Chicago School Union President identifies the problem with their schools

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It's the fault of the "rich white people!"  


As if this race baiting were not bad enough, she then suggests that Chicago Public Schools would be wise to emulate the Chicago Cubs baseball franchise.  Because apparently a team who hasn't won it all in over 100 years is a model of success. 








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When does she get fired for being a racist?


No no no ... she's railing against white people.  There's no problem with that.


Now, on the other hand, if she was a white person (say a rich white person) and she said something was the fault of people who's skin happened to contain a little more pigment ... well ... that would be national news. 

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No no no ... she's railing against white people.  There's no problem with that.


Now, on the other hand, if she was a white person (say a rich white person) and she said something was the fault of people who's skin happened to contain a little more pigment ... well ... that would be national news. 

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Talk about a misleading headline. Here's the actual quote:


“When will there be an honest conversation about the poverty, racism and inequality that hinders the delivery of a quality education product in our school system?” Lewis also asked in the speech. “When will we address the fact that rich, white people think they know what’s in the best interest of children of African Americans and Latinos—no matter what the parent’s income or education level.”


I'd say the "race baiting" comes from The Daily Caller, not Karen Lewis.


And I for one don't think she's wrong.

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There's a pretty noticeable correlation between test results and income levels.  I'm sure some of it has to do with prep courses but kids of all color who come from educated families score higher the more you move up the income scale.  She could have villified rich folks of all colors but I guess that wouldn't further her agenda. 


I absolutely love how she says higher tax rates on the wealthy plus a variety of other tax increases would fix their budget problems.  I'm guessing some wealthy taxpayers and even just some taxpayers of all races in the area have an opinion because the schools are in such shit shape while holding out their hands asking fo rmore.  Nothing like biting the hand that feeds you. 

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