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Basically anyone that gets over $5 million and receives a multi year contract sucks.  So using this as a guideline, Drew Pomeranz is going to suck.  Sorry to ruin your thunder Greg.  

5 minutes ago, Stradling said:

Basically anyone that gets over $5 million and receives a multi year contract sucks.  So using this as a guideline, Drew Pomeranz is going to suck.  Sorry to ruin your thunder Greg.  

I was very surprised that they went out and signed Allen last year.  Otherwise, Billy has done a tremendous job making the pen very solid.  It would be nice to have that elite guy at the top but there really isn't any options for that in free agency and trading for one costs a boatload in prospects that doesn't seem worth it.  I'm all for a couple cheap signings though.  Someone better than Garcia hopefully.  

2 minutes ago, Vladdylonglegs said:

Same goes for all FAs in general. And everyone here wants them to sign Cole for 8 years. 

Except no not all free agents are as volatile as relief pitchers. You simply don’t like free agency, which means you should probably sit out the hot stove league. 

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