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Liking posts when I didn't click on anything



Lately, like the last two days, I've noticed I've "Liked" posts that I didn't click on. I'll come back to the thread later and it will say I liked that post but I never did.

The only trend I can notice is it seems to be the last post I view on a page before clicking out if it.

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21 minutes ago, Chuckster70 said:

Also, do something about that twitch problem FCS.

That's my Parkinson's and Michael and I would appreciate it if you stopped making fun of it.

(I have no idea what you're talking about)

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On 11/23/2019 at 7:54 PM, tdawg87 said:

That's my Parkinson's and Michael and I would appreciate it if you stopped making fun of it.

(I have no idea what you're talking about)

Did this issue ever get resolved for you @tdawg87? Was it the coffee, crack or parkinson's?

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