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Anaheim, Angels have second meeting scheduled on stadium deal

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Angel Stadium in Anaheim on Wednesday, August 14, 2019. (Photo by Kevin Sullivan, Orange County Register/SCNG)
By Alicia Robinson | arobinson@scng.com | The Orange County Register
PUBLISHED: November 19, 2019 at 8:02 pm | UPDATED: November 20, 2019 at 7:47 am

A week after their first, much-anticipated meeting on a potential stadium deal, Anaheim and Angels Baseball officials will sit down again on Friday, Nov. 22.

City officials haven’t revealed what’s been discussed so far, but Anaheim and the team are aiming to reach agreement by the end of the year if possible. The Angels’ option to cancel their stadium lease expires Dec. 31, after which they’re locked in through 2029.

City Manager Chris Zapata told the City Council on Tuesday, Nov. 19, about the upcoming meeting. Officials also said last week that the council was expected to get a closed-door briefing on the issue; state law allows private discussion of price and terms of potential real estate deals.

A new agreement is expected to provide for the sale or lease of some of the 155-acre stadium property, which would likely be developed with restaurants, shops, hotels and homes that would add to the burgeoning Platinum Triangle business and entertainment district.

Such development could help pay for a projected $130 million to $150 million in repairs and upgrades to the mid-1960s stadium or building a new one.

Residents and city leaders have said they want to keep the Angels in town, although some have stressed they want to ensure any deal includes clear benefits for the community and the city coffers.

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