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Instead of posting this in a bunch of different threads -- Relax!

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When it comes to FA and off season trades, parsing the words of GMs, agents and players is utterly pointless, they are not going to play their hands.  The negotiations happening are completely private and at this point extremely preliminary.

GMs are not going to give away their strategy, they are going to say things like they are "casting a wide net."  They have a plan and a host of contingencies when the plan doesn't happen.

Agents and reporters are going to report insane numbers that they are asking for.

Players are going to answer questions as if they are politicians "I love the west coast, I also love the east coast, midwest and the south!"

Do yourself a favor and relax.  The words that are spoken have absolutely no impact on anything.  Just like "turning the page" or "one game at a time," the only thing that matters are the results, and we wont really know the off season results until spring training and if it worked until the end of the next season.

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